The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana (2024)

7f Pen 16 THE INDIANAPOLIS NEWS Friday, May If. 1964 .1 3 Held In Bank Theft. I HI HOE Shortridge Honors Pupils For Merit And Leadership A Cut-Rate Tour Of U.S. Gardens Calvin Howard, agent in charge of the Indianapolis FBI office, said a third man till is being sought. He wis believed to have been the drir.f the getaway car and to" hae part of the loot.

Police recovered about at a Louisville motel when they arrested the men and Miss Hebard. Two men and a woman held at Louisville are to appear before a U.S. commissioner here Monday on charges filed in a $17,718 Knox County branch bank robbery. Warrants charging John H. Cleveland, 31, Vincennes, and Oscar Davis 32, Louisville, with bank robbery were authorized yesterday by U.S.

At-, If LUNCH HERE, BREAKFAST IN PARIS Leave Indianapolis at 2:55 p.m., arrive Pahs at 7:45 a.m. This was possible for the first time today as Air France inaugurated nonstop Chicago-Paris flights. There are to be departures from Chicago at 5:50 p.m. each Thursday and Friday. Connecting flight from Indianapolis will be the Eastern Airlines Electra leaving here at 2:55 p.m.

and arriving in Chicago at 3:44, allowing time for customs technicals ties. 0 I JSC I By LEON STANLEY Would you be interested in a coast-to-coast and border-to-border tour of 130 famous gardens for It's yours by purchasing a copy of "America's Gardens," a Better Homes Gardens book published by Meredith Press of New York and Moines. L.jLS Miss Bloom Phillippi Perry Rosenbaum Ziegler Miss Schwomever torney Richard P. Stem. Miss Carol Hebard, 21, Louisville, was charged with aiding and abetting the robbery.

The three were accused of the Wednesday morning robbery oftheFreelandville branch of the Security Bank Trust Co. of Vincennes. They were arrested six hours later in Louisville. Flag Day Proclaimed WASHINGTON ftJPI) President Johnson yesterday proclaimed June 12 as Flag Day and urged that re-dedicated to "equality, justice and liberty for all peoples whatever their race, color, or creed." hk ms 1 MwaBsiww(g foe 1 Reunions In Hymera Sptcial to Tht Niws HYMERA, Ind. This Sullivan County community has scheduled two reunions for this summer, the 60th annual soldiers reunion July 8 through 12 and Hymera and Jackson Township schools home-coming July 12.

mm of? asp gjift) aidav Miss Towe Miss Mclntire Miss Jenkins Marks Miss Rinne Tally If you are more than fed up with the flood of "how to" garden books that swirls over the market every year, you are surely ready for a volume such as this. Between its 9Vi-by- 12J4 -inch covers are 208 pages of brilliant color and black and white containing intimate and over-all views of every great garden you ever have heard about and many of equal merit that you never knew existed. The route criss-crosses the nation, from New England, down the coast to the boxwood country in Virginia, to Bellingrath, Hodges gardens in Louisiana, Natchez. through the desert to California and up the coast into the Pacific Northwest. On the itinerary are spring, summer, fall and winter gardens.

The famous botannical Sine 1854 SEEDS JLLUJ FLOWER VEGETABLES Tuberous Begonias Camelia flowered Red Pink Whiret Orange Salmon -Lovely plants for shade Petunias Asters Coleus Alyssum Zinnia Lantana Marigolds Dusty MillerBegonias Geraniums Columbine Hollyhock Sedum Lythrum Veronica Rudbeckia Shasta Daisy Roses Silvermound MO Shade-decorative frees bOlt potted Shop if you must, but before you buy see Miss Butt Evans boy exhibiting scholarship and leadership in athletics. MARVIN KEENAN end MISS MclNTIRE OAR good citiienship medals. MARY GLEN RINNE end PHILLIPPI Dads Club citiienship award. ROBERT PERRY Lilly Endowment i scholarship. ROBERT STOKES Quill 4 Scroll national gold key award.

CHARLES W. TALLEY Steve Wright memorial award for outstanding senior bandsman. KATHY BUTT Shortridge Spanish Club medal. ROSALIE BLACKWELL Underwood award for outstanding student In business education department. DAVID MARKS Bausch A Lomb award and Julius Birge memorial award.

FRED WIECKING-Brown University alumni award. JENNY ROSENBAUM John Brooks memoriol award for senior who has done the most for race relations at Shortridge. MARY ANN MICHAEL, KATHY BLOOM, THOMAS SEGAL ond JANET TOWER Atlantic Monthly literary contest certificates. CECILIA WHITE American Horn Economics Association award. SANDY SCHWOMEYER United States Figure Skating Allocation award.

Shortridge High School pupils have been rewarded for service and scholastic excellence. Principal Robert J. Schultz presented the awards in a special auditorium program. Pupils and the awards they received are: BOB EVANS and ANNE MclNTIRE Outstanding senior boy and girl. PATSY TOWE Theto Siamo Phi award lor outstanding senior ft-mo't (ournaiist.

FRANK PHILLIPPI Al J. Kettler award for outstanding iournalism work. EVANS Siama Delta Chi award for outstanding boy journalist. SALLY JENKINS PW Beta Kappa award for first In senior class rankings. PHYLLIS HOOVER PI Lambda Theta award for outstanding senior girl Intending to become a teacher.

JOHN OZOLS Donald Klopa memorial award. JACK ZIEGLER OH Hodley award. BILL BEACHAM OsrfC Mills Wat-kins trophy for outstanding senior VE8ETABLB PLANTS FLOWERS FORCH BOXES DAHLIA BEGONIA CANNA ITALIAN GREEN BEANS ILLINICHIEP SWEET CORN organizations are represented, and studies are made of water landscaping and yea r-round arrangements. One of the fascinating sections deals with topiary gardening, in which evergreen trees and hedges are trained and trimmed into weird shapes, such as a privet giraffe, a boxwood elephant and an arbor vitae corkscrew. Fanciers of Japanese gardens will find some outstanding examples of this type and no doubt will gain many ideas that are practical for their own use.

In fact, the illustrations contain countless suggestions useful to the average landscaper in spite of the fact such gardens, because of their size and cost, are completely out of his league. His own modest little property will provide no such background as the stately STEPHEN McKINNEY and DAM EN MocPHERSON International Graphic Arts Association awards. DANIEL REES, JAMES DAVIS ond SAMUEL PRIDE Department of the Army citations. GEOFFREY ALLEN, SHARON BAR-NETT, KAREN BARNETT, ROSALIND OAKSHCTT end ROGER OLIVER Ball State Teocners College certificates far music honors. ANDREW GAUS National Council of Teochers of German award.

SUBURBAN PRODUCTS "everything from seeds to trees" Pali Enclosures Cedar Fencing Hurserj Stock Garden Supplies Cltse-Out loses mi leguii Balls. Also Artificial Wrath and looquels. U.S. RT. 40 CTSUXITSS) PH.

HO 2-4438 10 Miles East of Indpls. i imv 1 1 ARE OUR BUSINESS 11 A.ra.-t:B r.m- OPEN DAILY 0:30 A.M.-7:N P.M. SUN Kennedy Grave Is Tourist 'Must' mansions pictured here, but Weekend Special, Cash Carry SPREADING YEW NURSERY ,94 s2 even a few of the plantings and landscape designs would enhance its appearance $5.95 12-18-inch reg. rrrm GERANIUMS SNAPS PETUNIAS AGERATUM ALYSSUM MARIGOLD MOSS ROSE SALVIA COLEUS nf til the rest Systemic insecticide is one OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 9 A.M. to 9 PaM.

if the most alluring prospects in the vast realm of garden WASHINGTON (UPI) Tomorrow, as on every Memorial Day, thousands of Americans will visit Arlington National Cemetery. But this year, for the first time, the tomb of the unknowns won't be the primary object of their trip. Instead, nearly all of them will head first for a 20-by-30 foot plot of grass surrounded by a low white picket fence. GALVANIZED SPRINKLING CANS i mime i WITH "NO RUST" PLASTIC HEADS CLOSEOUT SALE Only from pol grown the White House and Lincoln Memorial as the one big "must" on the average visitor's list. John C.

Metzler, superintendent of Arlington Cemetery, estimates that 10,000 persons file past the Kennedy grave on a typical weekday. He expects upward of 50,000 tomorrow. The continuing stream of visitors has created problems for the cemetery. It has been found necessary to establish strict parking and traffic controls on the narrow roadway which runs just below the Kennedy gravesite, and to rope off adjacent sections of the cemetery where some thoughtless tourists had callously desecrated the graves of American war dead by trampling on them, scattering trash and even standing on their headstones to take photographs. SPECIAL Bedding Geraniums (Red) 25c Ea.

8 OT. on the sloping lawn just below the old white-pillared man $144 $1.88 ROSES stock can you SELECT EACH plant for Color Equal Values 98c fo $1.79 Hybrid Pttunlos-Verbenaj-Sase-Coleus-Zinnios-Asters-Marigolds-Vlms Colodium, Tuberous Begonias, (in 10 OT. I YOUR Size and Vigor bud and Bloom), suironi, periwinkle. Hybrid snaps (Mporato colors). Cannot, Geranium (all colors) any many ethers.

50 CHOICE Taraet Soot Lawn WEED KILLER 0 0 6-FT. ALUMINUM ROSE S077 sion which once was the house of Robert E. Lee. In the center of that plot of grass, as yet unmarked by a gravestone, is the last resting place of a World War II naval officer who would have been 47 years old today. More than six months have passed since John F.

Kennedy was buried at Arlington. The crowds who come to see his grave have thinned out somewhat. But sightseeing guides say the Kennedy grave is still the capital's No. 1 tourist attraction outranking even All quality pot-grown (many 2 to 5 plants per pot) by us for easy, safe transplanting and quickest results. FOUL'S PLANT CENTER "Largest Variety ol Plants in the Sfote" OPEN DAILY AND SUNDAY UNTIL 6 P.M.

(3700 North) 37th and Boulevard Place (300 West) Wt Stock Oro-Lui Bulbs WA 3-6273 Aerosol Can Reg. $1.49 TRELLIS dm I research. It's only in its infancy but already producing some excellent results and needing merely further development to become the standard method of treating most plant pests. Greenfield line is way out in front at present with a product developed for roses but having other uses. It is sprayed on plants the same as any other insecticide, but it penetrates the leaves and enters the plants' circulatory system, where it can not be washed away by rain and thus retains its effectiveness against bugs much longer than other insecticides.

It is not permanent, of course, but it lasts much longer than any of the strictly external sprays, especially in rainy periods. Aside from its value as a rose protector, it controls the deadly euonymous scale, dogwood, redbud and birch borers and leaf miners that attack birches, azaleas and box-wood. Further experience may show it to be useful on peach trees. Four sprayings at two-week intervals are recommended for the afore mentioned infestations but the company advises a preventive program beginning in the early spring as soon as the foliage has opened fully. The Greenfield products are manufactured by a subsidiary of Eli Lilly Co.

at POTTENGER'S OPEN MEMORIAL DAY GERANIUMS 35c, 50c, 65c PETUNIAS, Snaps, Asters, etc 65c pack SPRINGER! .4 for $1.00 De Sapio 'Village' Bid Opposed By Wagner NEW YORK (UPI) Mayor Robert F. Wagner announced yesterday his opposition to former Tammany Hall boss Carmine De Sapio's bid to regain the Democratic dis: trict leadership in Greenwich Village, saying De Sapio would return "gaslight politics" to the city. De Sapio replied that the mayor should tend City Hall matters and not get involved in intraparty affairs. Brighten Your Yard With a Splash of Scarlet FLAME EUONYMOUS or Euonymous Compacti ONLY 3-Fr. Special (jkAr Potted yy 5-Gal.

Container i Just A Few Left! Rhododendrons "The King of Shrubt" Evergreen $750 and up Loveliest and most colorful of II thrubi. In a multitude of colors. Don't tt gresiferg BLOOMING PftTTFD FOR "What's New in Roses?" SEE US AT HILLSDALE Our Famous No. 1 Grade Potted Roses are now Ready' "Come and Get 'Em While the Selection is Complete" ROSES Wow Ready Over 700 Varieties of Choice Flowering Plants. take on a rich green color.

Foliage will take on a rich green color. Your flowers, too, will be brighter in color. Remember this: Fertilizer, water and sunshine will make your SEE THEM IN BLOOM NOW! lawn and plants grow. Sequel trene will help make them green. Sequestrene works in all types of soil because unlike other prod-" ucts containing iron, Sequestrene 330 Fe is a unique iron chelate" containing DTPA, a patented product developed by careful research.

It's economical too 4 ounces will treat 36 shrubs at less-than Zt each. One treatment lasts -up to a year. At leading garden centers', hardware and department stores. Sodium Ferric Diethylenetriamine Pcntaacetate. VISIT YELLOW PKGD.

ROSE Peace or other variety FREE with each $3.00 or more purchase. Hop in the car and drive around town. Here and there you'll see lawns and shrubs that for some reason or other are really green. Eich dark green. How come? The answer is iron.

Iron is necessary for the formation of chlorophyll, which is what makes grass and" plants green. Grass and plants growing1 in iron deficient soil just cannot take on a real rich green color. The best way to find out if your problem is iron deficiency is to make a little test. Get a small, package of Sequestrene 330 Fe from your garden supply store. Follow the easy directions on the package.

If iron deficiency is your problem, you'll see a big difference in short order. Grass will Hillsdale's Spectacular 24fh Annual ROSE FESTIVAL SAT. and SUN. JUNE 6 and 7 OPEN 9 A.M. TO SUNSET BOTH DAYS SALE! GET 2nd GALLON FOR JUST lc! i ORTHO Buy 1 Gallon ORTHO-GRO at reg.

price ($4.98) OPEN ALL MEMORIAL WEEK END Um J' cuquKSireng P0TTENGERS ALL ACRES OF FREE PARKING! 330 Fe Iron Chelate STOCK GUARANTEED Geigy Agricultural Chemtcaw Tl 9-2810 jSU Division of Gtigy Chemical Corp. nDtu wmrntvt SL NURSERY LANDSCAPE CENTER 34th Street and Lafayette Road Road U.S. 52 North of 34th St. AX 1-4470 2 ENTRANCES wrm nuiwrnj Hill Iff1 8A.M7P.M. Cam.

SUNDAYS 7800 N. en Rd. 37 7800 N. en Shadelond Mi. S.


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Name: Carmelo Roob

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.