Martinsville Bulletin from Martinsville, Virginia (2024)

The Stroller One of the men on the staff, says the first seed catalog of the season arrived at his house Monday. By midnight. last night he had filled out an order for about $30 worth of seeds. That's enough to plant an area roughly the size of four, football fields. Fortunately, he didn't mail! in his order.

He, merely goes through this ritual every time seed catalog arrives because the catalogs have something special about, them that makes him lose his head temporarily. ODDS AND ENDS Mrs. E. K. North, Mrs.

Ben Phillips, Mrs. George Harrison and Miss Margaret Phillips, all members of Pythian Sisters Chapter No. 23, get a salute from the local unit of the American Cancer Society for. their help in stuffing residential crusade kits for the coming Cancer Crusade. We listed Mrs.

Hattie Bolick's address Monday as 117 View Collinsville. View Street is in Martinsville, not: Collinsville. Candy, of Memorial Hospital will hold capping ceremony at 7 p.m. Thursday at Christ Episcopal Church. Gale Brown, president, said pins and stars will be presented, and all Candy Stripers.

and their families are invited. Woodrow and Madeline Martin, 236 Greyson were. in St. Louis about a year ago attending a church convention and had their first taste of real sour dough. They've been trying to duplicate it, but without success.

Mr. Martin notes that it's "a strictly American" delicacy and he's sure some of our readers must have good recipes for it. He would appreciate a call at 632-9326 from other sour dough lovers who have had more success than he has had in making it. CAUGHT ON THE FLY-An area man lost a pair of eyeglasses, brown frames in brown case, Friday night. He thinks he may have lost them at the Fieldale Collinsville High School at a basketball game.

He's offering a reward for their return. His number is 647-7861. A housewife in the Fayette Street area mourns the moving of, the "Supermarket there to a new site on Route 220 South. "We still have neighborhood she notes, "but no really big 'supermarket close, enough to walk to." She says the trend to the suburbs is detrimental to those who don't have automobiles. Benedictine, large long haired white male cat that belongs to the J.

Louis Deckner family, Sam Lion Trail, has been missing several days and they're anxious to get him back. Anyone who has seen "Ben" is asked to 'call them at 632-2366. Druid Hills School will hold its annual Spring Fair from 11 a.m. until 4 p.m. April 22 and theme selected by.

vote of the children 15- Wild, Wild West." Tentative: plans call for game booths, a country store. full of Western goodies, entertainment and home baked food. A chuck wagon lunch will be served throughout the day. Everyone is. invited to attend and, if you like, dress in western fashion.

SEATO Plans Naval Moves BANGKOK A (AP) The Southeast Asia Treaty Organization will conduct a naval ex ercise in the South China Sea during President Nixon's "visit to China this month. SEATO headquarters announced a today that the exercise, called Sea Hawk, will be held Feb. 15-27. Nixon will visit Peking Feb. "This is purely a defensive exercise negotiated long.

before we knew the dates' of President Nixon's visit to Peking," said a SEATO spokesman. "There is certainly no intention of being provocative in any IN TODAY'S BULLETIN ANN LANDERS: 5. ANTHONY LEWIS 4 BRIDGE 10. CROSSWORD 10 HOROSCOPE 5 LOCAL STOCKS JACK ANDERSON 4 JAMES KILPATRICK "OBITUARIES 2 TV. SCHEDULE 8 WEATHER A 2 The Weather MARTINSVILLE BULLETIN "(Details Snow ca Likely Page FEBRUARY 1, 1972 10.

Cents Daily 20 Cents Sunday, Tilley Arrested Judge Attorney General Says Danville Post Can Now Be Filled By R. B. HUNDLEY News Editor The Virginia General Assembly may fill a vacancy, created the death of one of. two Danville Corporation Court judges, despite failure of the State preme Court to certify the cancy and recommendation court. be abolished.

That was the opinion released today by Virginia Atty. Andrew P. Miller. Danville and Pittsylvania County legislators have run opposition in attempts to fill vacancy. Del.

Calvin Fowler, ville, and Sen. Coleman Yeatts, D.Pittsylvania head the fight get the vacancy filled. They have been opposed by Sens. liam F. Stone, D-Martinsville, and Harry Michaels, Charlottesville.

The General: Assembly's ocratic. caucus has twice poned action on the issue. and Michaels urged the not to take action because of supreme court's recommendation. Fowler has defended need for the second: judgeship citing the court's caseload saying the supreme court's ommendation is not binding. Earlier the -high court "It is very doubtful there is ficient caseload in Danville poration Court to fully the time of two judges.

more, the population load two judges should be 100,000." The court noted that Danville's population is only 46,351. Danville's second judgeship was created in 1966 when L. Craig joined 'A. M. Aiken the bench.

Aiken died November. Danville attorney Charles Warren Jr. has been nominated for the judgeship and Del. ler. has arranged for Warren's appearance before the and: House Courts of examination Committees for his qualifications for the should the legislature decide continue the judgeship.

Stone is chairman of the rate Courts of Justice Committee and Del. Russell Carneal, liamsburg, heads the committee. The Senate and House mittee plan. to examine high court's recommendations along with those of the Judicial System Study sion. The I'Anson Commission ommended the Corporation of Danville be.

merged new judicial circuit with present Court of lin and Pittsylvania counties, be served by three Pittsylvania's population" 789 and Franklin's 26,858. Stone has said. the as a rule, creates judgeships the basis of one per 50,000 ulation and sufficient The three population is 132,025. WARREN, Ohio (AP) General Motors, assembly plant workers represented by United Auto Workers Local 1112 at Lordstown, are voting today whether to strike in a dispute stemming from an alleged speedup in plant operations. The voting, starting at a.m., was to continue 24 hours.

G.M. Workers Set Strike Vote In Orander Death 1 I it Courthouse Gets A General Judge John D. Hooker, Judge of the Patrick County Circuit Court, (left), will' ac- be cepts the portrait of General J.E.B, Stuart Tuesday night. The portrait hung 1 in the Circuit Courtroom of the Patrick County County. Society Making presentation of the portrait on behalf of the Patrick Historical is Edward M.

Turner: Patrick County Executive Secretary: Author And Wife Demos Tax See Nixon Charged By Swiss WASHINGTON Increase (AP) ZURICH (AP) The Swiss government has issued arrest warrants: for author Clifford Irving and his wife but says it not decided whether to seek their extradition. Dist. Atty. Peter Veleff revealed Monday night that the warrants were issued. Friday on suspicion.

of falsification of documents. and on "urgent. grounds of that the couple was involved in a scheme to pocket $650,000 in McGraw Hill checks Howard meant Hughes to pay billionaire for his purported autobiography. Veleff. explained that under Swiss law an extradition request would be justified if the couple were charged with fraud, but not for charges of forging Veleff said Swiss authorities had impounded in a Zurich bank account in, the name of Hannah Rosenkranz.

and that this probably was a pseudonym for Mrs. Irving. McGraw Hill Book. Co gave. the three checks totaling 000.

to Irving for delivery to Hughes, and Mrs. Irving has admitted that she deposited them in a bank account in another Zurich bank and then withdrew the money. Irving, who convinced McGraw-Hill and, Life magazine that. his Hughes autobiography was based on extensive interviews with the recluse industrialist, is in New York for appearances before state and federal grand juries also investigating the case. 008 His lawyer, whom Irving retained last week after attorney Martin S.

Ackerman abandoned him, won postponements from both juries Monday so he could familiarize himself with the case. Irving refused to comment on the Swiss warrants. Nor was any statement forthcoming from his wife, who has claimed that she was acting according to instructions from Howard Hughes when she funneled the checks. through a Swiss account that she opened in the name of Helga R. Hughes, using a false passport she claimed was supplied.

by Hughes. Irving maintains he had at least 100 secret meetings with Hughes: to compile the autobiography. A voice identified, as that of Hughes and affidavits in the name of -the billionaire, recluse have denied the two ever met and have called the book a fake. Food Stamp Fraud Charged 4 Here Four. Henry County residents have been charged with felony offenses in connection with, food stamp fraud, according to Sheriff's authorities.

The four persons are charg. ed with giving false information to the County Social Services Department in' obtaini food "stamps valued. in excess of $100. Charged were James Andrew Manns, Rt. 3, 4 Bassett; Lloyd Scales, Rt: B.

Scales, -Rt. and Viola Procha Finney, Rt. 3, Bassett. The warrants were sworn out "last weekend by Social Services Director Francis Beam. All four are free today after posting $500 bonds pending a Feb.

14" hearing in County, Court. Commonwealth's Attorney Roscoe Reynolds said today the charges are prosecuted in a manner similar to grand larceny and fraud offenses. The offense is punishable by a penitentiary term of 1-20 years or a maximum $1,000 fine and up to 12 months in' jail, By DENNIS HARTIG Staff Writer, A. 26-year-old Mayodan, man, Ray Thomas has been charged with the" murder Su- of 74-year-old Mrs. Onie "Bulva- lins Orander: Her body was the found last Sept.

23 after a nineday search on a rural road south of Spencer in Henry County. Gen. Tilley was. arrested. Monday.

at 1:40 p.m. by: Rockingham- County deputies and charged with into first degree murder. He is being the held in county jail in Wentworth, N.C. without bond pending a preDan- liminary hearing Wednesday in: Eden, N.C. District Court.

to His arrest ended a four month Wil- But the investigation," which investigation. was conducted jointly by the Rockingham Sheriff's DepartDem- vestigation, Henry, County Sherment, N.C. State, Bureau: of Inpost- iff's Department and the FBI, Stone ended where- it originally began, caucus the with Tilley. Istered a polygraph (lie -detect large -framed woman, they or) test and questioned in con- ported her missing. nection with the death.

However, A North Carolina newspaper he was later released without reported today Tilley told depoany charges placed against him. ties he had not seen ber that In December Rockingham day. Sheriff Carl Axsom said the de. An intensive search was impartment had a suspect they mediately: begun. After public would charge if evidence was appeals for help, and searches of sufficient -for a strong case In the -Dan River, far fields, wells, court.

and woodlands Mrs. Orander's The decision to arrest Tilley body was discovered pear Spenwas made, Axsom said, after cer by two farmers. with N.C. Superior Midway through the search, Solicitor Allen D. Ivie Jr.

Rockingham authorities sald they and agents of the SBI. suspected foul play. Axsom declined to discuss de- Mrs. Orander's: half-clad and tails of the investigation, but partially decomposed, body was RAY TILLEY RAY TILLEY On the day the Eden half clad and partially decomposed body was found near Spencer, Tilley was taken into custody by Rockingham authorities, it has been learned. At that time, his name was not released.

But he was admin- said no new evidence has been found in a gully off a wooded uncovered in the past two weeks. stretch of Rt: 695, one half mile Mrs. Orander was last seen south of the Mayo River Bridge. alive, Sept. 14 on the porch of a An autopsy later showed strange.

house then owned by Tilley lation to be the cause of deats. across the street from her home Monday's arrest by North on N.C. Rt. 135 west of Eden. authorities apparently Later that day, when neighbors rules out the possibility she was were unable to find the short, murdered in Virginia.

the by and rec- ministration officials apparenthave not stilled suspicions among House Democrats President Nixon may ask for increase, perhaps after November election. Treasury: Secretary John Connally, and Shultz Budget told the Director House Ways "and Means Committee Monday there are no plans any tax-increase proposals, despite the big. deficits brought on a request fo: $50 additional. borrowing thority. "We don't assume there a tax bill this year or.

the purpose of raising nues," Connally said. He said ralso the value-added tax, a kind of sales tax, is study along with others there are no plans now to pose it. The tax is considered likely to figure in plans school financing, which has said he is developing. Rep. Al Ullman, presided 'over the session, newsmen afterward he -Connally and Shultz "very sive on the subject of tax creases." Ullman, said the administration apparently is templating perpetual.

deficits." He. criticized use of the called full employment under which deficits are ated, provided spending not exceed. what could be nanced if the economy were erating at a normal potential. don't know. how we can out of this without finding ther sources of Iman said.

Ullman indicated also agrees, members with who other suggested Democratic new debt ceiling be set for than a full year, so as to the administration back Congress for an financial counting in late summer or Ad- that a L. the B. now that bilau- will nest reve- unbut profor Nixon who told. found. evain- "con- sobudget, tolerdoes fiop- get furU1- he the less bring before said: sufCor- occupy Furtherfor about Stuart on last R.

Fow. Senate justice of bench, to Sen- WilHouse the I'Anson Commis- Jr. recy Court into a the Frankto" judges. is legislature, on popcaseload. combined Si pl 3 Staff.

Photo EXAMINING BODY This was scene near Spencer connection with her murder. Examining the body am- is last. Sept. 23 when the body of Mrs. Onie Bullins Henry County Sheriff C.

P. Witt (left), an of the Orander was found after an intensive nine-day. bulance attendant (center) and two agents search. On Monday Rockingham County authorities North Carolina State Bureau of charged Ray Thomas Tilley, 26, Mayodan, N.C. in 5 7 Staggered Board Elections Sought More charges would be forthcoming, Reynolds said, if sufficient evidence could be found against other food stamp recipients improperly listed on welfare roles.

Swiss To Oust Timothy Leary SION, Switzerland, (AP). The government of Valais state has told American drug advocate Timothy Leary he's no longer welcome and asked him to leave, Police Chief Arthur Bender told a news, conference Monday night. Expulsion from one state, or canton, usually means" expulsion from Switzerland. If one state won't accept a for-: eigner, as a rule no other one, will either. Bender said Leary's presence was a bad example for the 5.

local youth and he had been here for severi months without a val. id residence permit. The mer Harvard lecturer has been living in the mountain resort of Crans writing: a book on psychology, A repeat of wholesale turnover of membership on the Henry County Board of Supervisors in last November's election could be avoided under a bill introduced Monday in the House of Delegates. A bill allowing "local option" to stagger terms of boards of supervisors was introduced by Del. C.

Richard Cranwell, D. Roanoke County. That TV Set Could Begin Watching You Del. A. L.

Philpolt," Henry County, signed the bill as a copatron. A new five member board was elected last year in' Cranwell's county and "a new six-member board was elected in Henry County, represented by. Philpott. Under Cranwell's bill, boards of supervisors, all of whose members are now elected at the same time for four -year terms, a serious threat to personal privacy." 1. "Cable tapping is no less of a threat.

than wiretapping. Imag. ine a TV. camera in your home controlled by the FBI," Oppenheim wrote. The two-way systems in-, volved are: an expansion of the one-way systems installed in a number of American communities primarily "to get more channels "into the home than could be received with only air waves 'reception.

Expansion to a two- way. system would require equipping the home TV set with a transmission terminal and addition of television receivers in places using 5 two-way TV nications. For- example, cable TV. spo- would be allowed to ask the cuit court for a referendum on whether to "elect supervisors at different times. Cranwell said he felt by eled.

ing some members every two. years, the- supervisors would he closer to the people because the every-two-year electiors would reflect changes in opinion in the county. The bill would require the cir cialists say department and banking transactions could. be conducted by television; pollsters could question citizens. via the tube, and water and electric meters could: be read that way.

ACLU associate director Alan, Reitman of: New York said, "The information being recorded by wire might be of interest: to some third party. If there's a wire, it's possible to tap it." Bob 'Stengel, a staff assistant with the National. Cable Television Association, agreed. the tapping possibility and predicted limited use of two-way' systems within five years and. more- widespread use after the of home terminals is: reduced.

He said virtually all one way. circuit court to order a staggered term referendum if 10 per cent of the registered voters in county sign. a petition asking for one. By staggering the terms, election of board of supervisors would be similar to the staggered term system used in electing councilmen in Martinsville. Tha (See Page 2..

Col. 9) WASHINGTON (AP) Spies armed with sophisticated listening devices could in the not toodistant future tap your television set if it's hooked to a two-way cable. Without your knowledge, they could listen to and record, the programs you watch, your transactions with" department stores and banks, even your living-room conversations. The new dimension in" electronic eavesdropping would become. possible ith installation of, two-way cable television, a development now being tested in some communities and likely to come into limited use within five years.

Devices to prevent such spying are technically possible, and specialists interviewed said the technology. for converting sets into pervasive spies has outstripped development of legal safeguards. Both public and private cable-TV agencies have virtually ignored the possibility, explaining that other developments demand more immediate attention. Sol Schildhause, chief of the Federal Communications: Commission's said the tapping possibility. "is one of the things we'll look into" after appointment of committees on technology and on state and local regulation of cable systems.

He said tapping is not discussed in FCC's general cable regulations to be announced. soon. "Wet can't deal with everything in one said Geller, special assistant to FCC Chairman Dean. Burch. "I don't mean to indicate that we're not interested." Geller said the committees will "deal with emerging problems, "and if this becomes an.

emerging problem, they will deal with it." Geller: said two way systems remain in a rudimentary stage. Although he agreed they could be tapped, he said "nobody would dream of doing it." The American Civil Liberties Union isn't so sure. Jerrole Oppenheim, staff counsel of the Illinois ACLU; wrote in a recent issue of the national organization's newsletter that: cable TV "could be systems now being installed are being wired in way that two way capability easily could be added later. Stengel said -it is technically possible to shut out potential eavesdroppers with such devices as scramblers or switches attached to A television set blocking all radiation from it. The specialists interviewed said they know of no state or local agency that requires such safeguards in franchise agreemends with cable operators.

Reitman said the ACLU will encourage officials enterin franchise agreements to write in: protective "The critical point," said Stengel, "is shutting off the terminal at home, but is that enough?".

Martinsville Bulletin from Martinsville, Virginia (2024)
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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

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Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.