In which A story is told - Scourge12 (2024)

Chapter 1: Governing is easy when you have political power

Chapter Text

Frisk sighed and looked at the clock. Was it rude? Yes, however, they were bored! If the ambassadors America sent were competent this fricking meeting would've been over in thirty minutes, not thirty hours! They looked back at the portly man and the blank-faced woman with a blank expression. "Tell me your government's requests in simple, easy-to-understand English please, as my government is losing its patience..." Frisk whispered in a bored tone. "O-of course Mx. Dremurr! The United States merely requests that your country, the Kingdom of Monsters, hereafter referred to as 'The Kingdom' be allies with the United States in perpetuity. In exchange, the US will cede Mt. Ebott and the surrounding towns in a 50-mile radius in either direction to The Kingdom, and of course, help you create a military, security, and Law Enforcement apparatus." The portly man (whom Frisk had never learned the name of) was sweating throughout his explanation. Frisk turned to the woman at his side. "Is what he is saying correct, Ms. Smith?" "Yes, America has few enough friends as it is, and it'd be bad politically if a war between our two nations starts on American soil." The woman stated this and waited for The Kingdom's reply. Frisk thought about it, this was, quite frankly, a deal they thought wouldn't be offered, after all, no sane country would cede territory to even a prospective ally, and yet... Frisk held out their hand in a "hold on" gesture, and texted Toriel.

Friskybits: The US wants us to be allies in perpetuity, in exchange we get Ebott and the surroundings within 50 miles in either direction and help with Chara's dream project, do u want me to accept this deal?

Mom: Yes, dear.

Frisk smiled, dropped their hand, and said, "We, the Kingdom, do accept."

Chapter 2: Azzy's first stream! AKA: The AMA (Feat. Chara and Frisk)


With the deal from the previous chapter finalized, its time for Asriel to stream for the first time, and what better way to start his career with an Ask Me Anything? There's no way this could turn lewd right?
Or: In which the internet is the internet and already has pron of the trio, and Azzy, Frisky, and Chara learn that the hard way and Azzy feels lust towards frisky and Chara


I'll reply to all comments lol
I'll be volunteering at a summer camp this weekend so I'll post two chapters today to make up for the days that I miss writing.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Asriel sighed in relief as the stream went live. "Finally, I can stream! No complications, no politics, no being a stuffy princeling, just a day of streaming and answering questions, but man I hope everything goes well. Chara, are the cams set up?" The second oldest (and most likely to do violence) of the trio nodded, and Frisk smiled and held counted down from 5. The crown prince put on a confident smirk, sat in his chair, and faced the cameras. "Heeelllooo internet, it's ya boi, the God of Hyperdeath! AKA me, Asriel Dremurr! Here to answer all of the questions you guys have! With me are my friends, Chara and Frisk! Chara is the one glaring at me for introducing them, and Frisk is the one smiling at ya'll. Anyways, the first question is from... DEKUmight12, who asks, 'do you know about...rule 34 of the internet?' The answer to that is, I don't know but I'll look it up, I guess..." Asriel typed in 'Rule 34 internet' only to get very...interesting...results. "Ya'll are certainly something, next question is from the same person, 'Did you know that the internet has already r34'd you thre-'WHAT?! No, no way..." Frisk stilled, as did Chara, but unlike Frisk since Asriel was...incapacitated by the images running through his mind, Chara was going to speak their mind. "f*cking...why? All three of us are way underage, as in, me and Frisk are like...13 and Azzy is 14, and quite frankly, you all need to get away from the internet, that being said, Frisky, I'm certain you're already looking it up, so tell us what they've created please." Frisk looked so embarrassed to be called out like that but stepped to the challenge anyway. "Lots and lots of hentai, and...fiction... also I'm pretty sure the videos are inaccurate when comes to Azzy, as he's a little bigger...down there...than you'd think, and the fictions are surprisingly accurate as Azzy is as...experienced as they portray him." Chara sighed as Asriel came back. "Why, why did I agree to this you guysss... The next question is from Lelouch Vi Britannia, who asks 'Does Chara really run all of the armed services of the Kingdom?' Chara, your question." Chara nodded and smirked. "I have so many useful assets under my command now, and quite frankly it's liberating to be in control like this that I'm truly happier than I've ever been, but I have questions of my own like, 'What's a Hague Convention, or Geneva for that matter?'" Asriel facepalmed, and Frisk giggled. "Frisk," Asriel noted, "The next one is for you. It's from 'thefrisky1' and the question is 'How's it feel being the foreign minister and ambassador all in one?'" Frisk straightened and said, "Fricking boring, as the other ambassadors seem to not understand that directness works best, also I'm thankful that I'm not on a plane every day, otherwise these two would miss me-ACK!" Chara hugged the pacifist tightly to themself and nuzzled their neck. "Charaaa! Why?" Chara stared at the camera. "Cuz I don't like it whenever you leave, that's why." Frisk and Asriel blushed. "A-alrighty, the next few questions are pretty much 'what are you gonna stream?' and I'll be honest, I'll be streaming video games, mainly FPS for the next few years, however eventually, like, when the three of us are of the age of consent, you horny f*cks, I do plan to be more of an Adult-Oriented streamer, but for now I won't be breaking TOS. I've gotten free copies of all of the Big 3 FPS games: Call of Duty, Halo, and Battlefield, I'll be streaming each campaign, and where applicable, the multiplayer. Expect me to not be playing on the hardest modes though, as I'm not an expert. gamer." Chara smirked grabbed Frisk, who they were still cuddling mind you, and proceeded to give them a VERY deep french lesson on camera. Azzy visibly tented and said, "Thanks to the two of you, I'm gonna need a cold shower after this." To which Chara just said, "Who said Frisky and I wouldn't help, ain't that right Friskybits?" Frisk just rapid-fire nodded and mewled. Asriel was hoping he could end the stream quickly, and said, "Last two questions, then Imma shut the stream off ok guys? Alrighty...I got a question from 'Hotfishy' which is 'Should we expect any additions to the Dremurr family in 9 months due to you boning the punk?' No, because monsters can't procreate unless ALL parties involved consent. The final question is from...'kinginthemountain' which isn't a question but just a general be safe, byeee!" Asriel shut the stream off and then growled, "Bed, now."

(WARNING: The next few paragraphs will be smut, and will be my first time writing such, don't expect greatness, also Frisk will be very subby and Azzy and Chara...not so much.)

Chara picked Frisk up and smirked as they threw the pacifist onto the bed. "Azzy what do you wanna do? I personally think Frisky here should taste you, then me." Asriel smirked, "Is that what our slu*tty little pacifist wants? Nod if that's the case." Frisk whimpered and nodded. Asriel then stripped out of his pants. Asriel's dick was huge, 12 inches long with a flared head, and a knot at the base. Frisk crawled to it and started nuzzling it. "Mmm, Azzy it's so big...gonna really test my gag reflex today huh?" The caprine prince growled and pushed the head to Frisky's lips. "Time to get frisky. Open up my slu*tty one." Frisk nodded and mewled as Azzy grabbed their head and jammed his dick in, Frisk bobbed their head back and forth, suckling his dick like it was a titty full of milk. "O-oh Frisky, sh*t sh*t sh*t damn where'd you learn that?!" Chara smirked, "Let's just say that our little pacifist's training is going great hehe." Frisk opened up their eyes and looked into their dominant's golden ones, mentally pleading for him to fill them. In an instant, the former demon that came when you called its name stripped the pacifist of their pants and undergarments."Azzy, while their mouth is good, this little slu*t needs a good dicking down. Take that puss*, and let me have a turn with their mouth, yeah?" The caprine snarled and pulled Frisk off, and switched places with their first friend. "Come at the same time?" He asked. "Sure, if possible, I wanna see their belly bloat up full of your seed, make this slu*t look pregnant just from your load Azzy!" Chara grabbed the pacifist and stripped as well, showing them a shaven 9 inch dick that was just about dripping with pre. "Suck me and suck me good babe, you'll get the reward you want." Frisk did the same as they were doing to Asriel, and took their partner throughout the underground to the their balls. "Good Frisky, so good ah!" Asriel growled and f*cked his length balls deep on the first thrust. "f*ck they're tight!" The two took a few minutes to find a rhythm, but when they did, Chara could tell, as Frisk's vibrations sent shockwaves down their co*ck. "Ah ah ahn, f*ck this feels GOOD, needed this so damn much." Needless to say, all three were close. It only took five more minutes until 2 shouts of "CUMMING!" and Frisk whimpered as Azzy filled, then overfilled, them with his seed, and swallowed Chara's own seed. The three then cuddled on the bed, Frisk's face buried in Asriel's neck.



In my head canon for this chapter, Boss Monsters in general are always Dominant, and always large for their size in the bedroom department. Horny too, but quite frankly since they have an absurd sex drive it's difficult for them to get a partner for their needs, as not every monster can keep up. Humans can, if barely, and when Chara first fell, Azzy had discovered the horny side of him a few nights before. Long story short, well, Chara got addicted to sex, and now that Azzy and Chara have a proper body again, the two have needs. Frisk has privately agreed to service them when reasonable. On a side note to this Tori and Asgore love this idea, as in theory, there won't be any...complications unless the three of them want a kid, and that is a long way off lol.

Please comment on what you thought lol this is my first smut.

Chapter 3: Chara meets their new subordinates!


Chara meets their new subordinates, and it actually goes well.


Comment on ze chapter lol

Chapter Text

When Chara woke up after their...session... with Frisk and Azzy, the other two were still asleep. Chara proceeded to get out of bed, and walk towards their meeting, after all the Americans had helped them recruit many retired cops, spies, and military personnel and it would be rude if they weren't there to greet their new subordinates in person. It took a few minutes, but eventually, they found a small unmarked, and almost unnoticeable passageway that led to the meeting room. They stepped in and immediately noticed that the room was half full, and everyone else sitting quietly. "Greetings," Chara stated in an almost gleeful tone, "I am Chara Dremurr, your new boss. It is my understanding that you each are here because the American Government has asked that of you, however, you do not know what exactly you will be doing for me. I am here you say, fill in the blanks, so to speak." At this, all were even more attentive than normal, after all this could be important information, and none of them were fool enough to tune out their superiors. "Some of you are retired police, some are retired spies and assassins for the Americans, and yet others are ex-military. I requested people with these attributes for one reason in particular: to protect Frisk, Asriel, and myself. Those of you who were spies and assassins, please stand." A quarter of the room stood. "You will be a part of my Intelligence Apparatus, and your mission is to detect, and eliminate threats to Azzy, Frisk, and me. I would prefer that your work not reach the front papers. I am led to believe that the highest-ranked person among you was the Commander of the Special Activities Division? Whoever that person is, just became your boss, and he will report to me. All except the Commander, be seated." At this, all but a blonde-haired man who looked to be 18 at most and 16 at youngest sat. Chara gained a curious expression. "I will ask the obvious question, as your file/resume indicates that you served for 20 years before being forced to retire due to an "incident": Why exactly do you look so young?" The man just sighed the bone-weary sigh of a man who's been asked the same question over and over again. "Succinctly? I found the Fountain of Youth. I was pushed in by a target. I came out looking like I was ten and killed the target. Then I was "asked" to resign as even the CIA has some morals." Chara smirked once more. "I won't expect you to run operations with your new subordinates, Commander, but I will expect that you keep yourself in top shape, and to be loyal to the Kingdom, else you will suffer a fate much worse than death..." The former Demon then motioned him to sit. "Those of you who were police, stand." A third of the room stood. "Your job will pretty much be the same as your previous profession, you will be Law Enforcement, and will enforce the law. However, I plan to get the best of the best of you onto our Security Details to protect us three. You will be armed, however, I expect that you rarely will need to use your weapons. If you do, you will answer to me for it, and you'd best have proof that it was necessary understand? Now sit." The group sat and the rest of the room stood without being asked. "You are former military, some were special operations, others were regular military. You will be this Kingdom's sword and shield, protecting it from all foreign threats, I will be your Commander in Chief, and I will expect nothing less than your best. Failure is quite frankly not an option for you. If I, or my Intelligence Apparatus, should discover any treason on your part, you will disappear and never be heard from again. I hope that it doesn't come to that though..." Chara trailed off, letting the warning sink into the minds of their new subordinates. "All of you should, in the next hour, receive the addresses for your lodgings and workplaces. As of tomorrow, you all will begin your jobs. Use this time now to contact friends, family, or any love interests you may or may not have, as you won't get too much free time for a while. Meeting adjourned." With that, Chara walked back to their bedroom, all the while an unholy smile graced their countenance. After all, now they could truly protect their family and lovers.

Chapter 4: The next day, and more things happen.


Azzy and frisky meet their security details, and Chara reveals how far, exactly they are willing to go to protect their pacifist and God of Hyperdeath

CW: Discussed plans to commit warcrimes, Chara learning that not everyone is happy with The Kingdom's existence and that on old enemy didn't fade away as they should have and Chara's reaction to that.

Chapter Text

Asriel woke up in the morning, after having f*cked Frisk into a sex-addled bliss three times, once after the stream, and twice in the evening, he was truly satiated. He'd heard from Chara that they'd met their new subordinates and that all had gone well enough that the First Fallen Child had felt it was fine to introduce his (and Frisk's) security teams.
From what Asriel was led to understand, the Royal Guard would continue to protect his mom and dad, while the Trio would have their own dedicated security teams. If the Crown Prince was truly honest, he suspected that Chara was the originator of that particular plan, as they'd truly despised humanity as a whole, with Frisk being the exception. Unfortunately, in Chara's mind, there just weren't enough monsters in the kingdom that would be willing to do the job to have purely monster bodyguards. The Wild East was still...uncommunicative with the kingdom ever since Clover disappeared, and the rest were enjoying the surface. So, Chara had to settle for (in Chara's eyes) second best.

He woke Frisk up by exiting their puss*, the loud SCHLICK and the gush of cum waking them up instantly. "Time to see the results of Chara's planning, Friskybits, get dressed in five." While Frisk got dressed, Asriel made a light breakfast (coffee and pancakes) for the two of them. Frisk walked into the kitchen and made a quizzical expression. "Chara figured out who's gonna be on our security detail. I'm 100% certain that right now Chara is threatening them with punishment if they aren't respectful enough or something, so when we're done eating...we'll save them from Chara." Frisk nodded, and in less than 30 seconds, they were doing just that.

"Hi guys, I'm led to understand that you are me and Frisk's security teams?" He looked at the pale faces of 30 men and women each nodding and making to bow. "No, don't bow, I don't particularly think the ground is comfortable enough to be honest. Would my Security team please raise their hands?" 15 men and women did as asked. "I assume that you all are armed? Right, you'll need to be practicing and drilling lots, as I would prefer for you to be able to think quickly." Frisk, meanwhile had been chatting up the members of their security team. Overall, the atmosphere turned from fearful to relatively lighthearted as Chara left. However, unknown to everyone else, Chara had an extremely concerned countenance.

Chara had just received word from the Government of America, more specifically, the CIA via a random email sent late in the evening. That email described a raid of the so-called "Human Supremacy Movement" in which the intelligence agency had discovered who was backing them financially-and it wasn't the Russians or Chinese. Instead, they were homegrown but were backed by a certain order of mages, an order that should've died out when Science became a thing. These guys were being backed by the same Order of Mages that sealed their family in the mountain all those millennia ago. Worse, imminent plans to kidnap Frisk were found onsite.

Chara now met with the Commander, who after learning what Chara had, was concerned as well. "Boss, what would you have me and my men do? We can find these mages yes, but what do you want us to do about these guys?" Chara sighed. "They have imminent plans to kidnap Frisk for presumably nefarious purposes, and will likely not stop these plans until they, and those they contract to carry out these plans, die. I want these mages dead, I want any allies of theirs, no matter whom they may be dead, and I want those Human Supremacy people dead too. Kill them, you have a blank check to do whatever is necessary, including but not limited to, taking their families hostage, torture and you know what, just all the things. Do not fail me in this Commander, because should Frisk be harmed, I WILL hold you responsible, do you understand?" He nodded and said, "Consider it done boss. These mages will be dealt with before they can carry out their plans, I swear." Chara walked out after that, praying to a God they hadn't believed in before they fell that no harm would come to Frisk, but a chill in their heart made them think that that prayer wouldn't be answered and that so, so much would go awfully wrong.

Chapter 5: A Commander's Tale!


In which the Commander plans and plots the demise of the Mages and Co. While on a time limit, no less.

CW: Warcrimes are planned out, and potential terror attack scenarios (In case he fails his job so he can at least prevent Frisk's kidnap).


Decided to switch povs to a "Background" character lol


Chapter Text

The Commander watched as his boss walked out, he'd been mentally going over what to do and how to do it the entire conversation, but he knew that at the very least, the kidnap probably wouldn't happen while Frisk was in Ebott, but rather while in transit to someplace else, like the UN meeting in...f*ck, six months. He had that long to identify, interrogate, and eliminate those assholes probably. So, how to do that? Well, he'd start with the obvious. According to Chara, the CIA hadn't managed to catch anyone, but they did have a few locations for the HSP, unfortunately for the Agency, they couldn't legally operate in the USA, which meant it'd be up to the Intelligence Apparatus to handle all operations at this point in time. Secondly, technically these people hadn't enacted their conspiracy yet, so he'd need fall guys for the amount of murder the Commander would be doing, and yes, legally he was planning murder. Orders or not, there wouldn't be a trial for anyone caught in this mess, so if he was caught, he'd be facing 25 to life at least, if not a needle. Thirdly, he couldn't do all of this alone, and he knew this. He pulled out his phone, and opened up an encrypted text server.

Commander1:New OP Code name: KINGFISH, need $ and Soap on this channel pdq
Deputy: Getting them, whats this about boss?
Commander1:Not until they're here, and this doesn't go any further or i'll shoot you, your family, and anyone you so much as whisper this to without my say, got it?
Deputy: Got it, boss
$: Boss, Soap'll be online in 3, what's the play?
Commander1: Received intel on an imminent threat to PACIFIST, via DEMON, we have a blank check to deal with it
Soap: understood, what's the threat?
Commander1: HSP plans to kidnap PACIFIST, but their being backed by the mages, hereafter codenamed MAGI
$: sh*te, timeframe?
Commander1: 6 months, in transit to or from the UN meeting, I think. MAGI will likely contract this to mercs, paying them via HSP coffers.
Soap: Orders?
Commander1: We got locations from our friends at the Agency, but they can't hit them legally. That's our orders. they're in this jpeg.
SYS: .jpeglocations was sent to the chat.
Commander1: find them through whatever means necessary, interrogate them on MAGI, and eliminate them, do not get captured, and try not to kill civs or cops unless they're involved.
Commander1: $, get people you trust to investigate anyone who'd know about PACIFIST'S itinerary on our side after clearing them w me, I really dont wanna be caught out via betrayal.
$: Understood boss.
SYS: All parties have logged out.

The Commander mussed his hair, he really hoped that no one on his side was in league with the assholes, as he'd hate to kill a subordinate or ally. Oh well, c'est la vie. He headed back to his quarters, tomorrow he'd be at the range practicing.

Chapter 6: The Commander's Tale! The Beginning of The Plan, and musings!


The Commander begins his plan to deal with the threat to Frisk, and by leaking what Chara told him, observes how the rank and file and those who would reasonably know Frisk's itinerary for the UN react...and arrests the already obviously suspicious ones
Oh, and he learns some things from Asriel that make it clear why the mages are planning to kidnap and not kill Frisk.
He also begins to question the official story given about how Frisk was completely alone during their journey and gets answers from an unexpected source to say the least.


Decided to post a chapter today lets see how this goes

CW: The Commander has people arrested and interrogated-and the interrogations use methods that would be condemned to say the least

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The Commander headed to the briefing room with a put-upon expression on his face. He was wondering why exactly would these mages want to kidnap Frisk and not kill them, after all, it wasn't likely that the pacifist of the trio would help reseal them. He had a feeling he wasn't being told something extremely important that would become relevant should fail. As he entered the briefing room, a few of his subordinates were laughing and joking around-but the room became silent upon his entry. He got up to the lectern and began to speak. "I am told that all of you now know the threat to PACIFIST, despite my order to not reveal it except to those of you who'd cleared their background checks, I am here to answer what questions you may have."

One of his men, codenamed Rat due to his generally skinny frame asked, "Do we have plans to deal with this, and does PACIFIST know?" The commander smiled, "The answer is yes to the former, but no to the latter, I have been instructed not to reveal this to PACIFIST unless ordered to, or am otherwise given no choice." He then frowned, "That being said, the team I assigned to investigate this threat learned of possible informants of these magi on our side of things. Specifically, PACIFIST'S deputy in the Foreign Ministry, one Harold Finch. He's been receiving large amounts of money from an unknown source that isn't the government and has been seen talking to some people who are connected to the Human Supremacy Party - the same that was raided by our friends at the Agency. Our job today is to roll him, and everyone else on this list behind me, up, and interrogate them to determine what exactly the OPFOR'S plan is. Be careful boys and girls, some of these people are known to be armed and may resist arrest. While it's preferable to bring them in alive, Chara will not punish you should you have no choice. Briefing adjourned."

He walked out and headed to the range, with a heavy heart. More than a few persons within the Kingdom had been watched by the Agency and FBI for having connections to and receiving very large amounts of money from, people who were now known to be connected to the HSP, some of whom were people he'd been planning to reveal his plans to and were comrades before his new employment, no less. If they were lucky, those named would die before they were arrested, as Chara wished to...share their displeasure...with them.

As he entered the range, a chill entered his heart, Soap was walking out, and a small, but loud voice in the Commander's head was repeating "Betrayed by a friend" over and over. He shook his head, Soap was Price's best guy, he could trust him...he hoped. He just about skipped to the armory but as he selected his favorite weapon-an MP5SD from it, a furry hand tapped him on the shoulder twice. He would deny to his grave that he jumped a few feet in the air from fright. "Your Highness?"

The crown prince sighed, "Chara has been acting weird these past few days, and starting from yesterday, my security detail has been...tense towards anyone who approaches me to say the least. What the hell is going on that Chara isn't telling me?"

The Commander sighed, turned around, and said, "What exactly do you know about a certain group of mages?" It was like Asriel had been struck by lightning. "What? They should've faded away, humans don't believe in magic anymore! Wh...What's going on? Be direct with me Commander! Now!"

The Commander winced, "There imminent threat from them to kidnap Frisk for God-knows-what. And I've been getting the feeling that I'm not being told something extremely important, that will become relevant in the near future, and I need to know now what that is, because it makes no sense for them to want to kidnap Frisk, when it would be so much easier to have them killed without the rigamarole of kidnapping them."

Asriel just winced. "I have a question for you: What do you know about the nature of the SOUL?" The blonde was confused, and he showed it in his next question. "Like, philosophically?" Asriel then began to explain the 7 traits, and how a DETERMINATION SOUL could 'Refuse' Death. It enlightened and frightened the man all at once. "Frisk could...come back from death? Does anyone else know about what you just told me-wait, Chara knows this, don't they? And you know all this how?" The crown prince then said, "I've known for a while you think the official story of Frisk's journey through the Underground was BS and were investigating the whole thing. I even know that Napstablook told you that Chara was NOT corporeal during their journey and more than a few monsters have mentioned that Frisk seemed...Prescient to say the least."

The blonde nodded, not bothering to lie to Asriel considering he was about to get answers. "Frisk would go back in time to a set point-they called them SAVE points should they die-and would then continue until they got through. Yeah, prescient was the least of it. But they don't quite have that ability anymore from what I've been told. Frisk has indicated that they can't go back to set points in time when they die, but rather will "revive" the instant they die. So now you know. I hope it satisfies you to know this because if even a whisper of what I just said EVER is repeated to anyone outside of Chara, Frisk, and myself, Chara will make you wish for the mercy of death, understand me, Commander?"

The blonde nodded, then said, "I have a theory now, but I hope it's not true. What if these mages want to reveal what you told me to the world and that's why their plan isn't to kill Frisk-they literally can't!" His phone buzzed, and as he read the secure text he smiled and put his gun back. "Gotta go Azzy, I got people to watch with." He ran to the prison, as fast as the wind itself.

The interrogation rooms of the prison were quite frankly, cold and damp. Chara had little to no care for human rights, the only thing they were concerned about was keeping the poor bastards being interrogated alive until they talked, so comfort, and aesthetics weren't exactly prioritized. Chara was on the other side of the door to the first interrogation room, and the poor bastard-Finch-chained to the table already was in bad shape. If the Commander didn't know any better, he'd say that the guy wasn't gonna survive the next 30 minutes based on the blood loss already present.

"Boss, not real surprised you're here, but I am wondering if you understand that we kinda need him breathing if he's gonna talk." The Commander made a calculated risk, after all, Chara was pragmatic enough that he didn't think he'd be punished for making that sort of statement. They glared at him but then smirked, "Who said his death would be permanent? DETERMINATION can be used for so many things after all. Like say, bringing someone else back from death, not just yourself." The Commander knew he paled at the implications of that statement, it was genuinely disturbing that Chara had just implied that they'd already killed and brought this guy back repeatedly. "Give me 30 seconds alone with him, I think he'll speak truthfully." Chara nodded and exited.

"You do realize that unless you talk, and talk fast, the mercy of death will be denied to you for the rest of eternity, right?" The poor guy nodded, and then said, "Didn't get the chance, I'll talk, but I beg of you, make it stop...permanently." "I will but talk fast." "I was paid to ensure that the itinerary was handed over to a group of mercenaries, t-they know about the UN meeting...please please end it!" "Commander you know what the punishment for treason is right? Even if this guy is tried, he will be facing a wall within a year. Do as he asks, he won't be brought back again."

The blonde nodded, pulled his sidearm, and did as instructed, he got spatter all over him, and just sighed and went to the dry-cleaners...after all this wasn't exactly unexpected. He suspected that a lot of people would "resist arrest" today.


As time goes on I hope this fic gets better and better for everyone who reads it, but let me warn you now. It will get dark, and the Warnings placed on the fic itself will become a thing. Final thing, don't expect the good guys to win everytime, one failure in particular will cause a...purge...

Chapter 7: In which the Internet reacts to the events in the previous chapters


The internet while horny, is an interesting place of varied opinions on literally everything. The Kingdom's government and rulers are no exception.

(or) Social media reacts to everything. This can't go wrong lol


Decided to get away from the Darkness of the previous chaps, so that I myself don't go to a darker yet darker place

CW: Discussions of why exactly Frisk isn't staying with their bio fam

Chapter Text

The internet exploded when "The Deal" as it was called happened. 'Insanity' was the least explosive of terms used when the points in the deal were shown to the public, after all, no sane country would cede territory to even an actual ally, much less a potential one.

skywalker64: WTH? Is this...real? f*ck me it's oddly generous of my cousins cross the pond to make this sort of deal. And a literal child being FM/Ambassador? Shouldn't they still be in school? They're like...10 right?

Nwasabitch32: 12, actually but they accepted the offer cuz they wanted to stay w the dremurrs, im looking for a reason why, but I doubt the answer is a good one for their bio fam.

Narutorey65: Found somthn, looks like their bio fam was neglecting them bad, like not buying them food bad, and the kid f'd off and fled to the mountain to get food-we all know the rest

Deluge46: Anyone know who Chara is? They've been mentioned at a few press conferences but idk if any photos are on the 'net

ochako5116: My cousin lives in Ebott, he says that Chara seems to be the first kid to have fallen down the mountain, apparently they Really Don't Like Humanity. idk why tho, but I doubt their backstory is any better than Frisks. On a side note here: Chara controls the armed services of the Kingdom as of 2day. This is gonna be Fine lol

The Internet would be intrigued by the ending of Asriel's first stream enough to comment on multiple Social medias

Fuuckgraystillplays: So...who wants to bet a 3some occurred after the cams were off?

Demonluver34: No f*ckin way Azzy could be that big how would those two even take that?

kidilante92: lots and lots of practice? if you go onto certain areas of the web you WILL find videos of guys and gals screwin horses so it is in theory possible

Damnuhornyf*cks6: Why? Why do you know that? You nasty

kidilante92: f*ck off

The internet exploded again the day after the stream...rumors of arrests and an attempted jailbreak made the news. Chara made an official press conference over the rumors. The internet doesn't buy the official story tho lol

Shiggy4lyfe: So...we all kinda think Chara, or someone acting in their name at least, had these guys killed right?

Deku74: Yep, my sister lives with her bf-who's a cop in Ebott, what she said was, while the official explanation is true-its not the complete truth. Frisk's second in command, after being arrested no less, led an attempted jailbreak that led to 40 deaths of prisoners? theres no doubt the jailbreak happened, but ever1 is WELL aware that srt of sh*t security is intentional. There's something else too, all the Security Teams are hella tense and refused to let ANYONE enter the palace today. I think that there is or was at least an active threat to at least one of the trio. I think that whatever the threat is or was, that's why the arrests happened today. Why they were killed...Maybe Chara learned something that makes them believe that those who were arrested had too many connections to safely try the dead men?

Kallenluvr: Who the f*ck were these people connected to then? And who made the threat?

Wannabemoviestr: My cousin works in FBI Counterintel. He said that they passed on to the CIA something led to the Agency passing on something else to the Kingdom. I'm almost 100% certain that's the reason why everything went down today. and it gets weirder 2: according to my cuz? FBI thinks that there is a happen at the UN meeting in 6 months that's why FBI NY is swarming with hundreds of agents on long-term assignments lol

Deku74: f*ck. That's bad.

On twitch an announcement shows up, indicating that the God of Hyperdeath will stream the next day...

Chapter 8: Azzy's second stream! Feat. Chara and Frisk


Azzy plays halo: reach and learns why only experts play Legendary

Or: in which chat bullies the trio due to the horny and Frisk leans into it

CW: swearing, discussions of sex and kinks, frisky gets under the desk for a suspiciously long time, and Azzy being horni


Comments fuel me, as do kudos.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The chat watched as the countdown began at 10 seconds to start. In the prestream chat there were a few (unofficial of course) rules like: Don't talk about the news, don't be horny for frisk in chat, and don't draw Chara's attention. The stream began, and all was quiet in chat.

(The following is a Transcript of the stream, at the end will be the chat logs)

A: Hey internet! It's ya boi, the God of Hyperdeath again, streaming Halo: Reach! I will be playing Legendary at Frisk's request, speaking of, with me today again is Frisk and-

C: I am Chara, please, try not to infuriate me ok?

A: Yep, now a few rules before we start, not every stream will be so...obvious in its conclusion as last time, so don't expect that.

C: If you do see Frisk and they're walking funny...(C Smirks at Camera) he's why.

A: Wow, Chara, didn't think you'd call me out like that. Speaking of Friskybits, they're in the kitchen getting some coffee, it's like 7:00 in the morning our time so they need that wake up juice hehe.

C: If you would quit-

A: Don't say it, Frisk already talked to me about that.

C: Sure, Azzy.

A: Second rule: I will be taking dares, but nothing that breaks TOS for...obvious reasons ok? Well, nothing that explicitly breaks TOS.

C: Third is don't spam chat, and I think that's about it.

A: Yep Chara, alrighty...start game? Yesss. Difficulty? Legendary. Oh so this is the hardest mode in the game?

F: (enters the room) Yep! Azzy here took my request to play this campaign on legendary. I'm sure he won't ragequit tho.

A: Frisky! Got your coffee I see.

F: (Glares in disappointment) You need to get our room soundproofed, by the way, the detail was congratulating me ALL morning!

A: I'll get on that.
(Game opens up on the first cutscene)
A: Huh, the graphics are really good, and this is before Combat Evolved chronologically speaking right?

C: Yea, seems like it at least.

A: huh these guys look damn cool.

C: Yes, they do, but we don't have the materials for all that IRL. If we did I'd buy that sh*t real quick.

(the Cutscene ends and F smirks)

F: Chara, Azzy a little wager?

C: Sure, what the hell, what's the bet?

A: Oh boy.

F: I bet that I can distract Azzy without being seen on cameras while still in the room.

A: I think I know where this is going. Frisk, are you sure about this, Mom is almost certainly in the chat you know that right?

F: (Smirks) Yea, and Mom is happy knowing that I'll eventually bear a kid for the dremurr bloodline, your point?

A: f*ck it. Where will you be?

F: Under your desk, Azz, any issues with that?

A: None that I can say without breaking TOS.

C: (laughs) Azzy, seriously what did you expect? That Frisk wouldn't take a little revenge for last night?

A: I did expect that, I just didn't think they'd do so on stream ok?

C: I'd say have fun, but we both know Frisk will be having more fun than you.

A: Chara, why?

C: I heard you as well, Frisk is right, get your damn room soundproofed.

A: Dammit.

(A spreads his legs and F crawls under his desk to a point where they can't be seen by chat)

A: Do at least try to be quiet, Frisky, it won't be as fun if everyone can hear.

(Presumably F nods at this point)

A: Ah! f*ckin (His character dies in game) Really? One shot? Damn...

C: (Keeps a suspicious eye on the desk) Is Frisk good down there Azzy?

A: Oooh f*ck yes they are damn good ah ah ah!

(A continues to play, managing to beat the level in 20 minutes...he only dies twice.)

A: Aaah I'm so closee, to beating this game-OOOH!

(30 seconds later F crawls out clearly swallowing something)

A: Wow, hungry Frisky?

F: Not anymore Azzy... Not anymore

C: Huh, chat is going crazy Azzy.

A: (with a blissed out expression) no duh Chara, I just had the best gaming experience of my entire life!

C: Frisk are you still swallowing holy sh*t did you drain him dry?

F: (clearly drunk on something) Itsh shoo good tho

C: didn't think that was possible

F: (Finishes swallowing) Honestly tho it tastes real good

C: I can see that, Frisk, also you broke Azzy.

A: (Stares off into space)

F: I's not like the two of us don't have the same expression most nights tho

C: Yes, thats true. Counterpoint Mom, dad, AND Sans are definitely in chat.

F: (Blushes) I least Mettaton isn't in chat?

C: Just, do the next level of Reach for Azzy, I'll unbreak him. How the hell did you even swallow all of that? Jesus, but he certainly is prodigious...

F: Chara, you have no room to talk.

C: Yea that's fair.

( 1 hour later)

A: Finally! Last level

A: Wait, Survive? why-oh oh I hate this difficulty so so much

F: But Azzy, if you survive for as long as you can...I'll let you do whatever. you. want. to me for the next 6 months. No restrictions.

A: (gets a confident smirk on his face) No restrictions? Not even-

F: Yeppers!

A: Alright bet

( 3 hours later)

C: Damn you really wanted that reward huh Azzy?

A: Damn straight! And now... I have the perfect collar in a black box in my closet Chara, you know the one.

C: I wish you luck Frisk, cuz I don't think you'll sitting normally for awhile

F: (Gives an enthusiastic smile and thumbs up)
A: Time to end the stream...
(stream shuts off)
Chat logs:

Only important users are allowed to have their chats reach the public

User list:





Commander1: you know, I did see frisk walkin funny, seriously Azzy you DO need to soundproof your room. I pity the maids that have to clean up that mess every day.

Goatmommy: My son truly is a dremurr

Gardnerking: really? Under the desk? oh well

Funnyboneman: You could say that Asriel...ROSE to the cause.

Commander1: Sans, why?

Funnyboneman: Hey if the pun fits...

Commander1: Stop being you so much that it hurts me please.

Goatmommy: Your damn right Frisk will have a kid at some point!

Gardnerking: now now tori its way off until they can legally have one...

Goatmommy: I still want grandbabies

Commander1: I always play on regular because even I will admit that i'd be...unhappy if I was on harder modes

Goatmommy: Chara why do you have black pepper? ohhh

Commander1: Your kidding me Frisk, is this something they bet on a regular basis Asgore?

Gardnerking: I wouldn't say a...regular...basis no

Commander1: What would Asriel even do?

Goatmommy: your men will find out im sure

Commander1: so hazard pay will be increased for the next month, got it


The next few chapters will be lighter like this one-even I recognise that going to a dark place mentally speaking while writing is a bad idea after all.

Chapter 9: Chara wishes to not be in the room across from Azzy lol


Chara's perspective on the first night of the 6 months.

CW: Unwilling voyeurism (Ie: they wanna be asleep, not hearing those two), Azzy being himself and Frisk learning that they are even kinkier than they expected. Azzy also considers making a p*rno of himself and Frisk.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chara wished that Asriel had lost the bet almost immediately. Why? Because he decided that, as the winner of the bet, he had the right to decide what the pacifist could wear, what sex acts they'd do for, or to, Asriel and, of course, where. Currently, he wanted them in nothing but the collar Chara was holding, and that was it. Frisk had A-cups, aaalmost B-cups but not quite, their creamy skin made Chara acutely aware of how wet they were. Damn, their puss* was sopping wet, anymore, and a waterfall might leak out.

Asriel gestured for Chara to pass him the collar. It was a plain black dog collar that Azzy had, apparently bought off of a sex site about a month ago, and as he said, he'd bought other things too. He rarely used them unless specifically asked to, or this particular circ*mstance came to pass. Once Chara had passed him the collar, he smirked and pointed to Frisk. "Kneel, pet. I'll find the leash in a bit, but this'll do for now." It was like a switch flipped in the slu*tty pacifist, as they knelt and whispered reverently, "Yes, master, f*ck your pet till you're nice and satisfied and I can't think please!"

Asriel's smirk somehow grew larger as he placed the collar on their neck, making sure it was nice and tight. Chara thought about walking out at this point but A: They needed to be sure Asriel wouldn't hurt Frisk by accident, and B, that Frisk was really OK with what was happening. It still didn't stop them from mentally begging for something to interrupt those two horny idiots though...

Asriel then stripped and after putting his dick up to their face, said, "Lick, don't suck it, because tonight, I very much wanna take my time with you. Tonight, you will be blissed out to the point of forgetting everything but the thought of being my pet. I want to see you get nice and full of my cum till it's leaking out of you like a faucet, till you beg me to never stop, till I am completely spent, pet."

As the slu*tty pacifist proceeded to lick Azzy's c*nt-destroyer without care for anyone else being in the room, Chara couldn't help but want to take part-but the rules around this sort of thing, at least between the trio, were specific. For tonight, at least, Asriel, and he alone would make Friskybits sing like a morning dove.

Frisk's tongue seemed to the demon's eyes to be just as good as their mouth, as Asriel was swearing and moaning damn loud. Eventually, Azzy grabbed Frisk's head and moved it back to his tip after Frisk gave his balls a nice tongue bath. "Frisky, I think you've done a good job, and thus deserve a creamy, filling treat or two. Suck me till I cum pet, then afterwards I'll fill your puss*, and make you feel nice and full. I'll be gentle this time, and let you sleep afterwards okay?" Frisk mewled and nodded hungrily. Azzy chuckled like he'd heard a joke, whispering, "Hungry huh? Go ahead, have your treat, hmm?" Chara blushed, they knew just how addictive Azzy's cum could be from their own time spent underground. Asriel tasted...spicy but sweet at the same time, and as a...bonus, was like a firehose when cumming. If anything, Chara was genuinely surprised that Frisk even could swallow all of it, considering just how tiny they were.

Chara watched as Frisk bobbed their head up, down, to the sides, everywhere. If anything, it was very, very clear that he wouldn't last too long considering the fact that he was thrusting balls deep every second. Frisk was very clearly enjoying this treatment however, as they were 3 fingers deep in their puss*, and if Azzy wasn't filling their mouth, Chara knew from personal experience that Frisk would be making the lewdest of sounds, begging for an even rougher experience. Asriel slowed to the point the demon could see his balls twitching, and then Frisk's throat bulged, and Azzy let out a sigh of relief, whispering praises like they were candy, and to Frisk, it probably was the best experience ever. Honestly, Chara was slightly jealous of how good Azzy was feeling, but pushed it aside. After all, the best to cum had been saved for last.

Azzy slowly exited his pet's mouth with some difficulty, as Frisk clearly didn't want to let their treat dispenser leave just yet, and Azzy wanted to stay, but eventually, Azzy's still-hard co*ck was fully visible. Chara knew that an awed expression on their face was directed at Frisk, because holy sh*t, Azzy was huge, and Frisk had taken him to the root. But the final act needed to be played.

By this point, it was 9 pm, and Frisk was clearly tired out, so Azzy decided that since Frisk would likely fall asleep too early to feel pleasure, he'd just use them as a co*ckwarmer till the morning. He pointed out that he'd fill their puss* with multiple loads, and all Frisk would have to do was let Azzy enter them. Frisk nodded, throat too ruined to make a sound, and as the caprine princeling entered them, fell fast asleep in his arms. Asriel laughed quietly, "Chara, you can do what you want, I know you need to take care of yourself as we are busy, but...thank you for watching over them, as they definitely need it, that being said, they-Ahhh f*ck yes-have their second treat, so I'll catch some Z's, ok? But uh, tomorrow I'll talk to Frisky about making a video. I won't do so without their consent, however. " Chara nodded knowing that they'd hear how the two felt during this experience tomorrow, and headed to their bathroom, because by the Angel were they hard!


Decided to update because I have free time. Sorry if my smut isn't great, lol.

Chapter 10: The morning after, and a talk


Asriel, Chara and Frisk talk about what will happen, and Azzy mentions how he'd like to make a p*rno involving his two humans. Twitch makes changes to it's TOS, and Azzy's fantasy comes closer to coming true quicker than even he expected.

Or: Azzy finds out that Twitch updated their TOS and predictably uses this in a kinky way


had some free time from camp lol

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Azzy woke up spurting into Frisk, moaning softly and without thinking about it, sucked a hickey onto Frisk's chest. He'dve gone for their neck, but they still had the collar on. Frisk clenched hard at the same time, the little flutters of their puss* showing how addicted they were to receiving creampies. Speaking of, Asriel knew he needed to make breakfast and sadly exited his human. Even if he hadn't needed to make the most important meal of the day, Frisk's wondrous puss* had about drained him dry, so Azzy managed to rationalize his horny away for now, but he did have one last load in him for the day. See, both Chara and Frisk had told him that his cum was addicting, apparently, and Frisk mentioned that they loved Toriel's butterscotch pie. Well, Azzy planned to replace the butter with his cream and see if his cum really was so addictive that Frisk would eat it for meals. As he headed to the kitchen, he knew that he really needed to talk about what exactly was going to happen over the next 6 months.

Azzy had finished making the crust and added the scotch when he started stroking. The only thing that went through his mind at that point, as he thrusted desperately into his hand was Frisk's wonderful, tiny, tight puss*. He edged himself for half an hour until he could bear it no longer and ejacul*ted his biggest, and last, load for at least 12 hours. It covered the inside of the pie as planned, and Azzy folded the pie and microwaved it as Toriel mentioned that Frisk loved it hot. 40 seconds later, as Frisk sat at the table, Asriel delivered his version of Toriel's special pie. Frisk took three bites to start moaning like a whor*, and when they swallowed the last bit of cream attached to the pie, they came. "Master, did you cum in my pie?" Asriel nodded, inwardly pleased that Frisk was already getting into the spirit. "Yes, pet, how did it taste?" Frisk contemplated the answer for a few seconds, "Master it's the best meal I have ever had, your cum just tastes too good!" Asriel loved that Frisk was already this addicted, as Chara had taken until half of their second year underground to get so addicted. He'd assumed at the time that he'd been doing things wrong, but he now believes that Chara was...quite frankly, too dominant of a personality to be affected as quickly as Frisk.

"Pet, I have one question to ask this morning, because I have to recharge my sperm banks. Would you like to be a star in a p*rno involving me, you, and Chara?" He swore he saw stars in their eyes and he heard them moan at the idea's introduction. "Pet," he said, "Master needs a verbal answer, otherwise I don't know if you want this or not." Frisk proceeded to affirm their desire for this verbally but then asked the 10 million GOLD question. "Where will we post it?" Like a light from the hornie*st place in heaven, at that moment in time, his phone let him note that Twitch had updated its TOS...and had updated it in a way that was favorable to his plans. "Funnily enough, pet, it appears that sex acts no longer violate Twitch's TOS. I wonder why the CEO would make such a decision? Eh, it doesn't matter though, as I plan to make our next stream, in a week, a most memorable one."

Frisk shivered in anticipation, knowing that their Master meant every word of his declaration of lusty intent. Frisk smiled and nodded their consent once more to Asriel, then stated that Asriel could handle convincing Chara to take part. After all, Master had been their first friend, right? Surely he could handle talking them into doing sex acts live on the internet right? Asriel winced but nodded, and that was that.


Reviews fill me with the DETERMINATION to keep going guys and gals and enbys! Give my Hopes and Dreams the power to keep going on!

Chapter 11: The Talk, and plans


Azzy talks with Chara about the possibility of doing a sex stream on Twitch, and they agree to it, so long as Chara gets to take part.

CW: Azzy discusses the plan to f*ck Frisk till they forget their name live on Twitch, Chara points out that Frisk is owned by the two of them, not just Azzy, and he lets them take part lol


I'm home for the foreseeable future so expect updates to be consistent again lol

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Azzy walked over to Chara's room after he and Frisk chatted a bit more about the specifics. It almost devolved into sex, but Frisk had to meet with the applicants for being the Deputy Foreign Minister after Finch's...err untimely demise. Frisk still didn't know the entire truth of what went down either, as all Chara had said was that he was "committing treason, and accessed the armory after his detainment." Frisk had bought that story lock, stock, and sale. Still, Azzy mused, Frisk will probably take a few hours to decide who will be their next Deputy FM, but every single one of the applicants have cleared their background checks so it matters not. Asriel knocked twice, and after being given permission to enter, walked into the bedroom of the true Power behind the Intelligence Apparatus.

Said bedroom was...surprisingly not filled with torture implements, or any knives except one that was always by Chara's bed, on the nightstand to be specific. What greeted Asriel's vision instead was...Frisk, or rather a sex doll made to look like them. Oh, and candid photos of their pacifist. Chara was currently cuddling said sex doll, and giving it a very visible hickey. "Azzy, what do you want? I'm busy." The caprine smirked, "Oh my adorable sibling, nothing much, just to inform you that Twitch has changed their TOS in a manner that favors my deepest fantasy about the three of us, the one I thought we'd have to wait until we were 18 to do." Chara blinked, "The 24-hour sex on stream one? Why?" He shrugged, "I don't know, but I wanted to talk to you about it because I know you're jealous of the amount of attention that our pacifist is getting from me, and I'll admit it is unfair that I've hogged our cutie for so long. But the next stream...I was thinking you could say, work through that frustration of yours, or rather, work it into Frisk's wonderfully tight puss* or ass on stream and on camera." Chara's eyes widened, then an unholy smile stretched across their face. "When will this stream happen?"

"Tomorrow, as our pet just about drained me dry while they were asleep last night, I only had enough in the tank to confirm my suspicions about whether or not they were addicted to my cum." "Azzy, how did you confirm this? Did you cum in a cup and let Frisk drink it like milk?" He shook his head. "No I...used Mom's recipe and replaced it with my cum, to see if they'd like it." Chara just sighed, facepalmed, and muttered something about horny big brothers before saying, "I'll bet Frisk knew you were going to do this, right?" He stood there in silence before Chara sighed even louder. "Did they at least enjoy it?" The goat boi smirked and stated, "Pet said it was the best meal they've ever had." Chara looked like they wanted to be left alone after that particular choice of words left their brother's mouth and so he left. After all, he had to set up the cams, the mics, and his PC to make his next stream the most enjoyable for his viewers yet, and if he posted a comment on Twitter saying his next stream would celebrate the TOS change, along with when it'd go live, well, no one would be hurt.


insert spiel about how reviews fuel my determination here.

Chapter 12: Azzy's Third stream! The f*ckfest feat. Chara and Frisk


Azzy begins the stream, plays video games, and has sex with his humans, plus his humans have sex with each other. All on stream, of course.

CW: smut, and Azzy being himself, and Chara and Frisk being themselves, twitch chat being horny AF, and The Trio takes suggestions from chat


Have no fear, my loyal readers/reviewers/subscribers, for I AM HERE! With an update!

I am home for the foreseeable future, and outside of work, I will be updating every day if possible! Unfortunately, that means that to keep my sanity, I will restrict myself to 1-3 chapters a day.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Asriel made his final checks on his setup. Was everything plugged in? Yes. Were the cameras on, and ready to stream at a moments notice? Yes. Did he install The Master Chief Collection on his Xbox X? Yes, and when he was ready he'd be able to start the game without difficulty. He was currently in his bedroom, Chara and Frisk by his side, or rather, Chara was at his side, but Frisk was in their lap, while Chara affixed a leash to the pacifist's collar. Frisk wasn't wearing anything else either, in fact none of the trio were, after all, it wasn't like it was a bannable offense to be nude, much less do sex acts on camera, what with the TOS changes being made official and all. The prestream chat clearly knew this, the caprine noted, as they were being horny as ever and putting out suggestions as to what they wanted to see/video games he should play.

"Azzy, our pet is ready at last! Do I have the greenlight to start the stream?" Azzy nodded, as Chara turned on the stream, counting down from 10. Once the countdown ended, they signaled the crown princeling to begin, smiling all the while. "Hello internet! It's ya boi, the God of Hyperdeath, Asriel Dremurr! Today, as you can clearly see, we have a VERY special stream, all thanks to Twitch's CEO, who I don't actually know the name of, but that's not the point. No, the point is, all of you are horny as f*ck, and today, you guys get to indulge. Now, a few rules here, we won't do anything involving bodily fluids other than my and Chara's cum-its too unsanitary and might violate TOS. Secondly, if you want your ideas for what the three of us should do with each other to have priority, there is a superchat, as such, the more that you donate, the higher chance of me seeing and doing your idea. Finally, don't assume that this means ya'll can denigrate Chara or Frisky here IRL-they'll kick your ass if you do. With that outta the way...Let's begin!"

Asriel grabbed the leash from where Chara had laid it on the bed and jerked it towards him. Frisk immediately began crawling towards the two, giving the viewers an extremely generous view of their puss*, only stopping when Azzy put his hand on their head, and pushed it to his groin. "Suck, pet, and while you're doing that I want Chara to lick that delicious puss* of yours. Moan as much as you need, ok?" Frisk mewled and began suckling on his co*ckhead like it was a lollipop. Everyone could see their tongue circling their master's slit, while Chara began kissing and licking their puss*. "A-aaah Chara, so gooddd!" Frisk sucked harder on their Master's dick, and began bobbing their head to and fro. By this point, the viewers could hear everything, and at this point the first superchat came in.

"Allfornone56: Here's $60, O God of Hyperdeath, when you cum, give them a facial and have them swallow it all for the camera please!" Asriel growled and began facef*cking his pet like a caprine possessed. "Damn right I will, but f*ck me pet, you are really good. You hear me? Clean that pretty face of yours with your hands and lick. It. UP! f*ck!" He pulled them off and proceeded to stroke himself once, twice, then came all over his pet's face. When they turned around, it was to show that their face was completely covered in cum, and as Frisk cleaned it off by scooping it into their mouth, they were still moaning due to Chara's attentive licks. "Aaahn it's shoo good master, thanks for the treat!" They had an ahegao which became completely visible when Frisk finally swallowed the last of Asriel's cum 40 seconds later.

The Crown prince smirked, as Chara finally made their pet cum hard. Frisk squirted right on to Chara, who in turn lapped it up with a little smile on their face, red eyes aglow with lust and happiness. "f*ck me, but our pet is beautiful, don't ya agree chat? Anyway, this is fun and all, but this was the pre-show, ladies, enbies, and gents, we have 24 hours to truly f*ck our pet until they are nice and blissed out, and as much stamina as I have, even I can't have sex for 24hrs straight. Fortunately, we have the Collection to help us with that. Chara, stretch out Frisk's puss* while I play some Combat Evolved please, I think yours and Pet's moans would be an exquisite soundtrack while I kill some Covenants."

Chara nodded, and roughly gripped Frisk's hips and SLAMMED their own dick into Frisk's Chamber of Secrets. "Oooh Frisky-babe, but it is still tight even after Azzy f*cked a dozen loads into you holy f*ck!" They thrusted into the pacifist almost maniacally, intent on chasing their org*sm without any concern for how they were feeling. Frisk whimpered, "Chara, please please harder need it! Take me uhh uh f*ck you're so roughhh!" The First Fallen Child grabbed the leash and pulled tight enough to choke their savior, and they tightened up more than ever. "Holy hell Frisk, you like being choked huh? Don't worry I'll fill that desire as much as you need. But if you keep clenching, you'll get my treat deep in your puss* mmm...gonna fill you up soon enough Frisky-bae!"

Frisk whined and panted, f*ck me, but Chara is soo good at this! They really wanna make me cum and I'm too closee it hasn't even been 5 minutes Charaaa you'll break meee! Frisk's walls fluttered and the First Child smirked, "Well, well slu*t, if you want to cum so bad, beg. Beg to be allowed to cum or else I will pull out now and only use toys on you that will deny your org*sms till the stream ends, got it?" "Chara pwease, need it sooo badd. Pweas-AAH!" Chara growled and gave them a huge hickey and came, filling the pacifist with the First's seed and making their belly bulge for the camera. "Good pet, you even came without me having to ask as well, so I'll fill you with a plug so that my cum can stay in you until Azzy or myself need you again, and we will soon enough." As they finished pulling out, Chara pulled out a plug from a black bag. Now this plug had a knot at the base to "Lock" it into the recipient's puss* until the plug was pulled out, thus preventing it from falling out unwanted. Frisk moaned softly as their hole was plugged up and curled up right between their two master's laps, breathing the scent of their musk as they recovered some energy.

Chara smiled and began stroking the pacifist's hair. "Our pet looks so adorable Azzy, how far- oh wow you've already beat the Pillar of Autumn. "Heh, whaddya know? I was right about the soundtrack. Got any ideas on what to do next chat?"As if on cue, yet another superchat flashed across the speakers. "Dustyhands63: Hot damn I've already came, could you, O God of Hyperdeath, f*ck Chara while Frisk sucks them off?" Asriel blinked twice before gesturing Chara to sit on his lap.

23 hours, 59 minutes later

"And that's the end of the Master Chief Collection, and Frisky is still in subspace too, nice. Cum again for me?" Frisk's back arched like a bow as they did as Master Azzy instructed. After Master Chara came from the combined suck/f*ck session, their memory was a bit hazy. They remembered rimming Master Azzy and getting tongue-f*cked until they squirted all over his face in return, as well as swallowing load after load and being f*cked by their masters in at least ten different positions. Their belly was just about to burst and their walls were overflowing. "Alright guys, but yeah, the stream is about to end, I truly hope you all enjoyed yourselves, I know we did. Anyways, peace out! And remember, Stay DETERMINED!"

Azzy smiled exhaustedly. He'd needed caffeine to keep up with his two humans by 12hr mark, and Frisk had been nice and subbed out by the 19 hour mark, only referring to the two as Master Azzy and Master Chara, the latter of which had very much appreciated the strokes to their ego. As he turned the stream off, he knew the internet would explode tomorrow due to the high viewer count-he checked the stats on the stream, which had ended at over 10 million people watching a 24hr sex/gaming session. Asriel, Chara and Frisk were really tired though, and Azzy promised himself to not do this again unless he had caffeine, at least 50 cans of red bull, and lots and lots of water, because there had to be multiple water breaks to re-hydrate after a particularly rough part. Speaking of, Chara was looking at their skin with a sigh. "Damn Azzy, how many hickies did you give me? Frisk isn't much better, the only reason why they aren't talking is because you ruined their throat with your dick, and their in subspace." "Do you all..wanna just cuddle in this bed tonight? I'm too exhausted to move." The trio nodded at Asriel's question. As they cuddled to each other, none of the 3 knew that this would be the last night that one of them would have sweet dreams for a while...


Reviews fuel my determination to keep going lol

Chapter 13: The Internet reacts again


As the title states, the internet reacts to the TOS changes and the Stream lol.

Also, the Commander confirms with Chara that he's ready to begin the Plan's second stage.


I have a commitment to you guys, which is why I will update at least once per day, outside of extraordinary circ*mstances (Like me volunteering at that spring camp). If I Can't update, for whatever reason I will tell you guys why, and when I can, I'll update twice as many Chapters to get you guys your fix alright?

From 6/8/24-6/15/24, I might not be able to update as I will be on vacation with family to Fontana Dam near Bryson City, NC. Don't get me wrong, if it's possible I'll update while at the cabin I'll update, but I'm not able to, I'll make up for it I promise.

Chapter Text

The internet was genuinely surprised when the CEO of Twitch changed the TOS to allow sex acts on stream, on cam specifically. The many, MANY theories attracted the best and brightest to posit their thoughts on why he'd do this.

HCaine24: WTH?! There are literal CHILDREN on Twitch, what made him think THAT should be on camera?!

goddessofthesky: According to my cousin, he didn't even inform the relevant departments to begin to switch to an 18+ format, he just pushed it through w/o waiting for the switch.

Dekumight98: This is going to go wrong I can tell lol. I mean seriously, letting kids do sex stuff on cam will give the nasties of the internet so much fap material...

LadyoftheDark: Isn't Asriel going to stream tmrw? His stream is counting down even now. And don't get me started on how he plans to "celebrate" this...

The stream itself was a spectacle not often seen on the internet, considering how famous the trio was after all...

DabivsNaruto3824: Sooo... 24 hrs of sex and video games huh? I'm not nearly as surprised as I should be what with Asriel's whole personality lol

Thenumberyouseekisgonebitch: I didn't think he was THAT big, how were those two able to take it? I mean Chara took that huge log up their ass with 0 issues!

Sailnorthlad: I suspect a lot of practice, the thing I'm impressed at is that he didn't hurt them, and it seems they all at least consented? Frisk def was subbed out by the end tho lol

Oneforallallforone: Oh yeah, that being said, at least he beat Combat Evolved tho? What's the trio's next internet breaking thing gonna be?

The Commander sighed as he walked into his office. "Price, you've confirmed it? All known threats in Ebott and its surroundings were taken care of via the Jailbreak Incident?" "Yes sir, we can move on those locales that our friends over at Langley gave us..." The blonde nodded, "I will confirm with DEMON, but if the op is a go, we will be hitting the warehouse in Joplin. I would ask that you not tell Soap until we are wheels up. I don't know why, but every time I even look at him, alarm bells go off like a robbery's being committed in my head. I don't care if you trust him Price, because I don't. Unless he proves trustworthy, and doesn't, ya know, betray us, I will not trust him with anything sensitive, as I only brought him on this op as a favor to you, and you're my closest friend..." The bearded man sighed, "I dunno why you don't trust him, but ever since Beirut, I've learned to listen to your instincts since they save my arse so often. I'll do as you ask, I assume you don't want any of us to be on our phones from wheels up till we RTB?" "Yeah, the evidence in that warehouse is quite frankly, too important to give MAGI or allied parties to MAGI a chance to destroy. Now go Price, and get some sleep, you'll wanna be well rested for tomorrow, this I assure you old friend."

As Price left, he saw the closet open, and his boss step out. "I-boss what the hell! I could've shot you!" He shouted while retracting his hand from his holster. Chara laughed coldly, "If you had shot me, I guarantee the injury wouldn't have been permanent. That being said, I'm glad you are so paranoid as to not even relax in the sanctuary of your office. So my code-name is DEMON, hmm? Well, how apt of you. In any case, the operation is a go, however I don't want a shootout between you guys and the police, so I have authorised $30,000 to be used as...incentive for the police chief to keep his officers away from that warehouse until the evidence is extracted and on the plane. Kill every enemy in that warehouse alright?" They vanished into the shadows...of his closet, which the Commander noted shouldn't have been able to hide them in the first place! Still, he needed sleep, the assassin mused. He passed out at his desk while reviewing paperwork in regards to funds for another training area.

Chapter 14: The Commander's Tale! Operation KINGFISH part 1! Joplin, MO


The first of 5 locations is hit, the Commander learns that one of his team is a traitor, but not who, and we see how he operates.


Ladies and Gentlemen, by popular demand of a friend of mine, this Chapter will be in the Commander's POV.

CW: Violence, bribery, things that happen in Black Operations, swearing.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

In the morning, the Commander, Price, Soap, and a few trusted men were gathered at the Ebott's private airport. Now unlike Ebott International Airport, which was for public use, this one was well and truly private, only for government usage, like say...a black operation. Yeah, there weren't any metal detectors, and the place was guarded by Chara's best security teams in the IA. "Gentlemen," the Commander stated, his tone reeking of authority, "I 'request' that you place any unauthorized electronic communication devices in the box next to me for the duration of the op. The reason for this, is simple enough, I fear treason, and this operation cannot be leaked." As three of his men, including Soap, placed their personal phones in the box, those same warning bells began to play in his mind. Betrayed by a friend! His thoughts cried, over and over again all while he placed an impassive expression on his face.

"Now, onto business, gentlemen. We are headed to Joplin, Missouri to hit a warehouse where the HSP are supposedly keeping documents of vital importance to the threat against PACIFIST. The reason why we are doing this and not FBI Counterintel, is because our friends at Langley believe them to be riddled with enemy assets, not helped by the current head's connections to Russia, of course. All you were instructed last night to bring gear you'd typically bring on a kill op, my bag has my guns, of course, however within said bag is an...incentive to Joplin's Police Chief to keep his men away from the warehouse until we extract all evidence onto the plane. Let me do the talking to the Chief boys, understood?" They all nodded, all of them having to bribe or otherwise convince people to not try and attack them at varying points in their careers. "Now this operation, from start to finish, will take place in a little under 50 minutes should all go as planned, 90 if things go wrong, which I hope they don't. The most important part of the op is evidence retrieval, I don't care about leaving behind the bodies of those we kill, but we need those documents, damnit! f*ck this up, and you'll answer to my boss, who would take a dim view indeed of such incompetence... Exfil will be via this plane, which will land at the private airport in Joplin for ease of access. Please don't make me write a letter to your parents or loved ones with my condolences, ok? I'm not emotionally capable of crying, so I'd come off as a jackass at best. Get on the plane, and let Operation KINGFISH begin!"

As the men entered the plane, the blonde felt a chill, he knew that something would be found today, and that he'd not like it. At best, there were more enemy assets outside of Ebott than he was aware of, at worst, there was one or more traitors that the "Jailbreak" had missed.

The flight was not quite long enough for people to lose awareness, but not short enough for everyone to be hyper-vigilant. The landing was smooth, and the actual employees of the airport were nice and inattentive-just how he liked them. After all, if they were questioned about today's events, they'd likely not remember the group of men who came from out of town that day. It was 12:15pm when they landed, and luck must've smiled on the men, as the Police Chief was in the restaurant across from the airport at a private booth.

"Soap, Price, with me, the rest of you, the warehouse is 3 streets down, the only warehouse in that section to be precise. That will be where we rendezvous." He entered the restaurant with a confident smirk, knowing that the Chief had a kid who'd had a kidney transplant recently and well, medical debt was a bitch. The man the three were going to bribe sat alone, nursing a drink as they sat next to and across from him.

"Hey Chief Jones, I have some easy money for ya, 30 grand worth to be precise." The fat cop looked shocked that anyone was talking to him in his favorite diner, so he proceeded. "All ya need to do is keep your boys away from the downtown warehouse for a bit, like 50 minutes at most. I can assure that no civilians or police will be harmed as well. In exchange, the contents of this briefcase," at this he put his briefcase on the table and opened it for the fat*ss to see, "Is all yours, no questions asked as long as you don't do stupid sh*t with the money." The blonde was about to tell him of the consequences for refusing the deal when the man took the briefcase and said, "Damn kid, you got balls, I'll do as you ask, since I'm not stupid enough to believe I'd walk out of this diner if I refused this generous offer. I do have to ask that ya don't come back to this town however, as I'll be retiring in 6 days, and my successor is more... idealistic than myself." The blonde sighed, signaled for the other two to leave, and walked out after them. "That was f*ckin easy sir, are all cops this corrupt?" Price asked the question in genuine amazement. "No, my friend, there are a few that can't be corrupted, unfortunately those types tend to die on the job real quick." The former SAD assassin noted sadly.

As they headed toward the rendezvous point, he thankfully didn't see or hear anything out of the ordinary, and when the spec ops trio got there, they were greeted by a young lieutenant, all smiles as the rest had stacked up at the warehouse entrance. "All we need is your go to breach boss!" At this the blonde unzipped his duffel bag, and pulled out his trusty MP5SD, and nodded. The front man on the stack then put a C4 charge on the door, while the rest co*cked their weapons. Front man counted down from 3, then detonated the charge. The door flew inward with the force that only an explosive could provide while the men inside were apparently playing cards. More the pity, as they didn't even get the chance to draw their weapons, as silenced gunfire rang through the building for 10 seconds, then all went silent. "CLEAR BOSS! WE HAVE DOCS EVERYWHERE TOO!" He strode into the warehouse, and barked out orders. "Take everything, take pictures too, I wanna be outta here ASAP, understand?" "Yes boss! We'll be done in 5. You heard him!" Sure enough, he was on the plane out in 10 minutes, and looking at the files in 12 minutes.

Most of it was fairly mundane, expense reports and such. Then he learned an awful truth-PACIFIST'S security plans were in enemy hands, worse, KINGFISH was mentioned by name. Not the actual plan, thank the Angel, but that MAGI even knew KINGFISH existed worried him, as he'd only told his deputy, Soap, and Price what the name of this operation was, which meant that one of them was a traitor. The plane landed, and while everyone else was laughing and joking, the Commander sent a text to Chara, with a message that indicated he'd need to investigate his team on a deeper level. After all, he now knew there was at least one traitor he had to worry about, which meant he couldn't trust his team completely, and that was a dangerous way of thinking when on any operation...


I have work on Saturdays, and if I play my cards right, I will soon have more hours, so I will update when I can.

Ya'll are the people I'm doing this for, even if this started out as a plot bunny that grasped my mind and refused to let go, so until I write the ending of this fic, whenever that might be, I will continue updating, I promise this because I know the pain of an enjoyable story going on indefinite hiatus suddenly. That will not happen here though.

Will I write a sequel? Maaaybe, it depends on how I write the ending. A prequel? I have ideas, but I'll wait until this is done to even outline them.

I'm going to college again in August, so that might crimp my update rate depending on the difficulty of my classes as I'll have coursework to complete.

And finally, If possible, I'd love for more comments/reviews. Constructive criticism is something I love, and will need as an aspiring fanfic writer. Of course, any review will be replied to, no matter how negative/positive it is lol.

Oh, oh! Last thing! What ideas do YOU guys have for how this should go? What theories do you have for the plot? I LOVE when people comment their theories/ideas. For those who comment ideas, depending on how I write the characters, I will implement them. For example, if ya'll want Clover to be resurrected, I can do that. It'd be difficult, but I'd at least be able to figure something out. Something I COULDN'T do would be writing Gaster in any meaningful way at this point in time-he's effectively ret-goned himself after all. That, and I frankly can't see any way of making him not a dick-the price of reading to many Evil! Gaster fics I guess.

Don't get me wrong, I will figure something out for him if necessary, but maybe some help would be appreciated lol.

Chapter 15: The Commander's Tale! Operation KINGFISH part 2! Dutch Harbor, AL


It's cold, snowy, and the middle of King Crab season, but the Commander has no choice-one of the boats, the MV Catalinas, docked at Dutch has a list of Mercenary groups that the HSP has reached out to, in an attempt to secure the requisite numbers necessary for the attempt on PACIFIST. But boy does he despise Dutch Harbor...

CW: Violence, discussion of mass murder (As running a black op like this in an allied country is so illegal it's not funny, which means there mustn't be witnesses), sinking a ship to make sure there's no survivors.


I'm still going to update lol,

I've planned the serious stuff as far out as the soon-to-be infamous UN Meeting, outside of that, the fluff and crack will happen after this arc (which I've dubbed the "Operational Arc") but after the UN Meeting Arc, all I can guarantee is that it'll be awhile before the fluff and crack get written once more.

As I've said before tho, any ideas you do have (that I can reasonably implement if I can't tweak it, I'll explain why your idea isn't gonna happen), would be most appreciated.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

f*ck me, but Alaska is cold, the Commander mused as he stepped out onto the landing strip, wearing his cold weather gear of course. After informing Chara of the fact that at least one of his team was a traitorous f*ckwad, he'd been told to proceed as normal and to not let that he knew of this, while IA Counterintelligence investigated each of his team, Price and Soap included. The snow was already covering his gear, but thankfully, everyone was off the plane and in the awaiting 4-wheelers in less than 40 seconds. His SUV had Price, Soap, and some guy named Frost. "Alrighty gents, the operation is a relatively simple one, as the boats for a certain TV show are out on the water. The MV Catalinas is currently docked at Dutch, and we'll all be the in 15 minutes. The objectives are as follows: board and seize the ship, make certain that there are no witnesses, so you will need to scour the ship of anything living, while I access the bridge logs. On those logs, there is a list of mercenary groups that the HSP has reached out to contract the attempt to kidnap PACIFIST. While I seize those logs, Team 2 in the other SUV will plant enough C4 to sink it, and considering how shallow the harbor is, I'll have to pilot the boat out to sea and once we're deep enough, the charges are to be detonated. Once detonated, we have about 15 minutes for the chopper to get to our location or we all will be swimming. Any questions?"

Soap raised his hand, "How will you signal the chopper to get to the rendezvous?" At this, the blonde smirked, "Good question, the answer is, I will be in radio communication with the pilot, and when the charges are planted, I will order him to get to the rendezvous point. I don't anticipate anything going terribly wrong unless you guys do stupid sh*t, so don't. Got it?" All 3 men nodded as the boat entered visual contact range. It wasn't a huge boat, and it looked seaworthy from the outside at least, there also was not any security, on the docks or otherwise.

They parked their cars, pulled their rifles, and headed up the gangway. In 30 seconds they breached the boat, with Team 2 headed into the bowels of the ship, and Team 1 taking the bridge 340 seconds after breach. When they took the bridge, there wasn't anyone on it, and so the Commander proceeded to hack into the logs, copy the data, and smile. He'd gotten everything, and he got on the radio to inform Team 2. "Team 2, this is Actual, be advised, I've copied that data, what's your situation?" "Actual, this is Sandman, explosives have been planted, you're clear for Phase 2, over." "Status of the enemy, Sandman?" He asked, "EKIA, sir."

Now he signaled Price, who actually had experience in open water, to pilot the boat to 4 miles away from Dutch. "Exfil, this is Actual. Explosives have been planted, get your ass to the rendezvous." He switched comms to Team 2. "Sandman, I have an objective for you. I need you to destroy the EPIRB before you detonate the explosives, there's no need for the Coasties to come running." "A-firm, consider it done." The boat got underway quickly enough, and even better, there were no boats coming in from the Bering to potentially raise the alarm once the damn boat sank.

4 miles later and the chopper pilot had extended the ladder enough that everyone below would be able to climb it from the deck. He stopped the boat, ordered Team 2 to get to the deck and then to detonate the explosives. The Commander waited for everyone to get onto the deck, then had Team 2's leader, Sandman, detonate the explosives. As the boat shuddered, everyone climbed the ladder into the chopper, and watched as it sank beneath the waves. "Let's go home boys!" The Commander shouted with glee, now he could get the f*ck out of Alaskan temperatures and into more normal ones. Little did he know that not everyone was as pleased as he was about the operational success...


I'm still home, still going to update at least once a day for the foreseeable future lol

Chapter 16: The Commander's Tale! Operation KINGFISH part 3! The Commander's office, Ebott


In which the Commander calls up the heads of several dozen mercenary groups (the ones on the list from Dutch), and offers them the choice of either taking double the rate they were promised to refuse the HSP'S job offer...or the destruction of their groups if they refuse.

CW: threats of mass murder, surprisingly, this is the only warning needed for this chapter


Two more parts to this arc, and then the fluff and crack and smut shall return until the promised UN Meeting.

I have a plan for this story, I even have a (vague) ending for it, however, the ending itself, I will admit, is a sequel hook, and unlike the Call of Duty: Ghosts campaign, I plan to reel that hook in like a 5-pound bass.

I will say that the sequel will NOT be a crossover between UT and Deltarune-it's been done to death. I will say that once upon a time there was an AU involving Frisk being a Pocket Monster trainer...and that I think that said AU had the right idea, but this time Frisky won't be the only one being a Trainer lol

Am I too ambitious? Maybe, but f*ck it, the idea sounds great in my mind, and this entire fic so far has been a plot bunny that has refused to let my mind go damnit, so let me have this please?

Will I write fics for other fandoms? Maybe, but tbh it'd only be for fandoms that I know well enough to write a fic for, or where I know the "Stations of Canon" (Read, the first being HP, and the second being MHA.) Secondly, I'd probably make it a xover w UT, if only due to the sheer number of ideas I have for this fic in particular and how easy it is to get the trio to isekai themselves into a different fandom by accident lol

Final question that a friend asked me last night: How dark will the SAR arc be? Let me put it to you this way: the sheer horror of dying over and over again wasn't emphasized enough in canon, and Frisk is going to have the Worst Time they've ever had. Don't get me wrong, I plan to give them therapy later, but quite frankly I don't think that therapy will help them recover fully from what I have planned.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

So, the Dutch Harbor Raid, as the IA were calling it, was a goldmine. 24 Mercenary groups had been named, each with a way to contact them, and the fact of the matter is, there had not been any "Bites" to the HSP'S offer at the time of the Raid as well. This, was a boon to the Commander's operational plans, as the more he could convince the heads of the groups that taking the job offer wasn't worth it, the fewer numbers the enemy would have in their inevitable attempt to kidnap PACIFIST.

His plan, now solidified from the flight last night, was simple. He'd call the leaders of each group, and offer them double to triple the rate the HSP was paying to tell the latter to f*ck off...or they would die during or after the inevitable attempt. These people were, as a rule, pragmatic. They knew enough to know when a job just wasn't worth it, and it's difficult to get money or clients when you're dead after all.

For example, one of the groups mentioned was the Grey Ghosts, a British "PMC" that happened to take private clients instead of state-run jobs. The man who led it was ex-SBS, a cold and pragmatic bastard who had been forced out of Special Boat Services after an op went sideways on the man's watch. Sure, he was morally ambiguous, and the op itself was still under investigation by MI-5 on suspicions that the man himself had intentionally caused its failure, but he was smart, smart enough to know when the job wasn't worth it, and it wasn't worth it to be hunted for the rest of one's life whether you succeed or fail a job.

The blonde smiled, pulled out his phone, and dialed the man's number, mainly as a way to f*ck with the guy enough to put him off his guard. "Hello, is this Mr. Reese?"

"Yea, the f*ck do you want?"

"I'm calling from an encrypted line to inform you that one of your clients-the Human Supremacist Party-is effectively setting you up to take a job that will not be worth it in the long run."

"The Frisk Job? Lemme guess, they're protected and the opposition would hunt down every person involved and 'bring them to trial?' I don't care about that."

"You wish that the opposition would bring you and your cohorts to trial, Chara believes that the whole 'Human Rights as a POW' thing is a particularly funny joke. Instead, you and your men would likely die screaming if you took this job. That being said, my sources indicate that the HSP has offered you $1,000 to take the job. I'm willing to offer $500,000 for you to refuse to go near that job and to warn everyone else away from it on account of it not being worth it in the long run. That sounds good to you, right?"

"...f*ck it, I accept, I'm texting your number the details needed for a wire transfer."

"Give me the details for a bank account that you have, and I'll deposit the money upon acceptance of my offer. Refuse me, and I'll guarantee you will have a bad time."

That exchange even went smoothly, as the Boss had given him a blank cheque in regards to how much money he could spend on convincing these guys to refuse... now to spend the rest of the day making the same offer to different mercenary groups and praying that they'd accept. At least he wasn't going back to Alaska anytime soon, right?


If anyone has questions, comments, or theories just drop them in the comments pls! I promise to reply to every review/comment/question/theory I get, I swear!

In which A story is told - Scourge12 (2024)
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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.