How To Use The Soup Setting On Instant Pot (2024)

Mastering the Soup Setting on your Instant Pot

Are you ready to take your culinary skills to the next level? The Instant Pot has become a beloved kitchen essential for many home cooks. Its versatility and convenience make it a perfect tool for creating delicious meals in a fraction of the time. In this article, we will guide you through the steps to master the soup setting on your Instant Pot.

Step 1: Gather your ingredients

The key to a flavorful soup is using fresh, high-quality ingredients. Whether you’re making a comforting chicken noodle soup or a hearty vegetable stew, start by gathering all the ingredients you’ll need. This may include a variety of vegetables, protein like meat or tofu, herbs, spices, and broth.

Step 2: Prep your ingredients

Before you start cooking, it’s important to properly prepare your ingredients. Chop vegetables, dice meat, and mince garlic to ensure even cooking. This will also help to infuse flavors throughout the soup.

Step 3: Set up your Instant Pot

Now it’s time to set up your Instant Pot for the soup setting. Ensure the inner pot is clean and placed securely in the appliance. Add the prepped ingredients following the recipe instructions. Most recipes will call for adding liquid like broth or stock to help build the base of the soup.

Step 4: Select the soup setting

Locate the soup setting on your Instant Pot control panel. It is usually labeled with a soup icon or the word “soup”. Press the button to activate the setting. The Instant Pot will automatically adjust the time and temperature for cooking soup.

Step 5: Set the cooking time

The Instant Pot will display a default cooking time for the soup setting, but it can be adjusted depending on the recipe and ingredients. Use the “+” or “-” buttons on the control panel to set the desired cooking time. Refer to your recipe for guidance or use the suggested cooking times below:

  • Vegetable Soup: 4-6 minutes
  • Chicken Noodle Soup: 8-10 minutes
  • Beef Stew: 20-25 minutes
  • Tomato Soup: 6-8 minutes

Step 6: Start the cooking process

Once you’ve set the cooking time, simply press the start button on your Instant Pot. The appliance will take a few minutes to build up pressure before the cooking cycle begins. You’ll know that it’s pressurized when the float valve pops up.

Step 7: Natural or Quick Release

After the cooking cycle is complete, you have the option to either do a natural release or a quick release. For delicate ingredients like seafood or greens, a natural release is recommended to prevent overcooking and preserve their texture. To do a natural release, simply let the Instant Pot depressurize naturally, which can take around 10-15 minutes. For other recipes, you can perform a quick release by carefully turning the steam release valve to venting position using a long-handled spoon or utensil.

Step 8: Enjoy your delicious soup!

Your soup is now ready to be savored! Carefully remove the lid of the Instant Pot and give your soup a gentle stir. Taste and adjust the seasoning if needed. Serve it hot with crusty bread or your favorite accompaniments.

By following these steps, you can effortlessly create a variety of mouthwatering soups using the soup setting on your Instant Pot. Experiment with different ingredients and flavors to customize your dishes to your liking. Enjoy the comfort and convenience of homemade soups all year round!

Explore More Delicious Recipes and Uses for Your Instant Pot Soup Setting

With your newfound mastery of the Instant Pot's soup setting, a world of flavorful and comforting dishes awaits. From the robust layers of a Hearty Beef Stew Anchor to the delicate and creamy textures of a Butternut Squash Soup Anchor, these recipes are designed to enhance your cooking repertoire and impress at any meal. For beginners, the Classic Chicken Noodle Soup Anchor is a perfect starting point, offering both simplicity and classic flavors that everyone loves. Adventurous cooks might gravitate towards the exotic spices of Thai Coconut Curry Soup Anchor. Each recipe is tailored to help you utilize the Instant Pot effectively, ensuring delicious results that make every dinner special. Try starting with these suggested recipes to truly experience the range and capabilities of your Instant Pot.

Share your experiences and tips on using the soup setting on your Instant Pot in the Kitchen Equipment forum.


What are the benefits of using the Soup setting on Instant Pot?

The Soup setting on the Instant Pot is specifically designed to help you easily prepare delicious and tasty soups. It offers the perfect combination of time and temperature to extract flavors, tenderize ingredients, and ensure all the flavors meld together beautifully in your soup.

Can I use the Soup setting to make other dishes besides soup?

Absolutely! While the Soup setting is primarily designed for making soups, you can also use it to prepare other dishes like stews, chili, broth, and even curry. The setting provides extended cooking times at a consistent temperature, making it versatile for a variety of hearty dishes.

How does the Soup setting work?

The Soup setting on the Instant Pot operates by using high pressure to create a sealed cooking environment. It brings the contents of the pot to a boil, allowing flavors to infuse and ingredients to become tender. The extended cooking time helps to develop rich flavors in your soup.

What are some tips for using the Soup setting effectively?

For optimal results, here are some tips:
1. Make sure not to overfill the Instant Pot. Leave some room for ingredients to expand during cooking.
2. Layer ingredients properly, with denser items at the bottom and quick-cooking ingredients on top.
3. Take into account the natural release time when planning your meals, as this can affect the overall cooking time.
4. Adjust seasoning at the end of cooking since flavors can intensify during the process.
5. Follow the recommended cooking time for your specific recipe, and always consult the Instant Pot user manual for guidelines.

Can I safely use the Soup setting for foods that require longer cooking times?

Yes, the Soup setting is perfect for ingredients that benefit from longer cooking times such as tough cuts of meat or root vegetables. The extended time at high pressure helps tenderize these ingredients, making them melt-in-your-mouth delicious.

Is it possible to customize the Soup setting on Instant Pot?

Unfortunately, the Soup setting on the Instant Pot is preprogrammed and cannot be customized. It is specifically designed with preset temperatures and cooking times to ensure optimal cooking results for soups and similar dishes. However, you can always adjust ingredients and seasonings to suit your personal taste.

How To Use The Soup Setting On Instant Pot (2024)


How To Use The Soup Setting On Instant Pot? ›

Selecting the Soup Function: Once the ingredients are in the pot, secure the lid and ensure the steam release valve is set to the sealing position. Press the Soup button on the control panel. The Instant Pot will then begin the cooking process.

How do you use the soup function on the Instant Pot? ›

Selecting the Soup Function: Once the ingredients are in the pot, secure the lid and ensure the steam release valve is set to the sealing position. Press the Soup button on the control panel. The Instant Pot will then begin the cooking process.

How full can you fill an Instant Pot with soup? ›

Maximum When pressure cooking, do not fill the inner pot higher than the PC MAX — 2/3 line as indicated on the inner pot. When cooking foods that expand (e.g., rice, beans, pasta) do not fill the inner pot higher than the — 1/2 line as indicated on the inner pot.

Do you quick release soup in Instant Pot? ›

Things You Should Know

Use an automatic natural release (NPR) for soups, chilis, and oatmeals to let the pressure slowly release for up to 40 minutes. Opt for a manual quick release (QR) that takes 1 to 5 minutes if you want to avoid over-cooking delicate foods like fish, green beans, or pasta.

How does instant soup work? ›

Commercial instant soups are manufactured in several types. Some consist of a packet of dry soup stock. These do not contain water, and are prepared by adding water and then heating the product for a short time, or by adding hot water directly to the dry soup mix.

What happens if I put too much liquid in my Instant Pot? ›

Mistake #3: Overfilling Your Instant Pot

Overfilling your Instant Pot can affect the pressure that builds up inside, so you might end up with a mushy meal, or one that doesn't cook properly.

How do you thicken soup in an Instant Pot? ›

Add Flour Or Cornstarch

You can thicken soup by adding flour, cornstarch, or another starchy substitute.

What foods should not be cooked in an Instant Pot? ›

6 Things You Should Never Cook in an Instant Pot
  1. Creamy Sauces. If there's one food group you should avoid in the Instant Pot, it's dairy. ...
  2. Fried Chicken. The best fried chicken is crisp on the outside, juicy on the inside and perfectly golden brown. ...
  3. Cookies. ...
  4. Burgers. ...
  5. Pie. ...
  6. Steak.

How long can you keep soup in Instant Pot? ›

Unlike nonstick cooking surfaces, the stainless steel pot presents no threat of harmful chemicals. Instant Pot also switches to a “warm” setting when it's done cooking, keeping food at a safe temperature for up to 10 hours.

Why is my Instant Pot not pressurizing soup? ›

SOLUTION: Open the Instant Pot and make sure there's enough liquid. If too much liquid has evaporated, the Instant Pot won't pressurize, so add more liquid if necessary. Close the Instant Pot and resume pressure cooking. If you have trouble closing the lid, move the steam release handle to the VENTING position.

Should steam come out of Instant Pot while pressurizing? ›

Is steam leaking out of the pressure valve, even when turned to the upper locked position? It's normal for a small amount of steam to leak from the valve while the pot is heating up, but if it continues to leak steam during the pressure-cooking cycle, you may have a problem.

How do you use the soup setting on the Instant Pot? ›

Locate the soup setting on your Instant Pot control panel. It is usually labeled with a soup icon or the word “soup”. Press the button to activate the setting. The Instant Pot will automatically adjust the time and temperature for cooking soup.

Can you overcook broth in Instant Pot? ›

Can you overcook bone broth in a pressure cooker? It's best to not cook instant pot bone broth for more than 18 hours. Especially if you have vegetables in it they can get very bitter.

How do you keep soup from burning in Instant Pot? ›

How to Prevent a Burn Notice in the Future
  1. Scrape before you seal: Scrape up all the browned bits left in the pot after sautéing food and before closing the lid.
  2. Double-check your parts before you close up the pot for cooking. ...
  3. Make sure that you're using enough liquid.
Apr 15, 2022

Can you can soup in an Instant Pot? ›

They acknowledge that instant pots are unsafe for pressure canning (as of 2023). While instant pots can be used for water bath canning, which can preserve high-acid foods like jams, jellies, fruit, and pickles, they cannot be used as a pressure canner to preserve low-acid foods like meat, vegetables, and soups.

Can you simmer soup in an Instant Pot? ›

Any dish that requires 30 minutes or more on the stovetop will usually work well cooked in an Instant Pot. Soups, stews, bean dishes, and whole grain recipes all fit that bill.

How does the stew function work on an Instant Pot? ›

When you select the stew setting on an Instant Pot, it automatically sets the cooking time and temperature to optimal levels for stew preparation. This setting allows for a slow simmer, which helps tenderize tougher cuts of meat and allows the flavors of the ingredients to meld together.

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Name: Greg O'Connell

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.